Contact Western Union For Your Payment!!!

Benin again.  The reader who submitted this scam comments: “{Gee, did I have a rich relative in Benin who left me a vast fortune? I doubt it.}”.  I don’t suppose you did either, so just delete the email.


The Board of Federal Ministry of Finance Benin Republic are here to notify you of your payment inherited funds of ($850.000.00) After the meeting held on 3th of Octomber, 2008.The Federal Goverment has instructed this Department send your Fund to you through western union. The maximum amount you will be receiving each day is sum of $4,500.00.Also you are requires Fill the bellow form:

Your ReceiverName______
Your country___________
Your text question______
Your answer_______________
Tel phone__________________

Contact us with this informations below: EMAIL: [ ]

Yours in service