Dear Yahoo Email Account Owner
Submitted by a reader with this comment “Notice that this comes from Hong Kong–bad news. I also checked with Yahoo customer service and they assured me that they don’t send out these types of e-mails.”.
If you’re sick of all this spam, install Spam Bully. Highly effective spam filter with built in features to help you track the origin of scam emails and get your own back on the scammers. Comes with a two week FREE trial.
Dear Yahoo Email Account Owner,
This message is from Yahoo E-mail Upgrade Service Department Messaging
Center to all Yahoo account users. We are currently upgrading our data
base and e-mail center due to an unusual activities identified in our
email system. We are deleting all un-upgraded accounts and your account
from the conclusion of spam mails and Harker. Confirming your Yahoo email
identity,this will prevent your email account from been closed during this
exercise.In order to confirm your Yahoo E-mail identity, you are to
provide the following data:
First Name:……………
Last Name:……………..
Date of Birth:………………
Country or Territory:…………….*Waning*
Please provide all these information completely and correctly otherwise
due to security reasons we may have to close your account permanently.
Thank you for using Yahoo ! Warning Code:VX2G992008We thank you for your
prompt attention to this matter. Please understand that this is a security
measure intended to help protect you and your Yahoo mail Account. We
apologise for any inconvenience. Regards,
Yahoo Email Teammailto:
Notice that this comes from Hong Kong–bad news. I also checked with Yahoo customer service and they assured me that they don’t send out these types of e-mails.