Error in Your Billing Information
I wasn’t going to add any more bank scams for a while, but I had to make an exception for this one because of the quaint phrase “due to slightly problem”. For some reason, I couldn’t resist it.
It is a scam. Don’t click on the link, just delete the email.
Dear Halifax Customer
During our regularly scheduled account maintenance and verification procedures, we have detected a slight error in your billing information.
This might be due to either of the following reasons:
A recent updates in our billing server ( Due to slightly problem )
A recent change in your personal information ( i.e. change of Question ).
An inability to accurately verify your selected option of payment due to an internal error within our processors.
Please update and verify your information by clicking the link below:
If your account information is not updated within 48 hours then your ability to access your account will become restricted.
Thank you