63557-Your Latest Documents from RS Components 395506169
You haven’t ordered anything from RSS components and this email doesn’t come from them. Take a look at the email address given in the body of this scam – it has nothing to do with them.
DO NOT OPEN the attachment, it contains an infected macro which will run and infect your computer.
Just delete this email.
Dear Customer,
Please find attached your latest document(s) from RS.
Account Number
Invoice Number
Document Total
Document Type
For all account queries please contact RS Customer Account Services.
Tel: 01536 841609
Fax: 01536 735958
Email: rpdf.billing@tbc.Bg (subject box to read DOC eBilling)
If you have any technical problems retrieving your documents please contact Swiss Post Solutions Helpdesk on the following:
Tel: 0333 7932496
Email: customers@tbc.Bg
Kind regards,
RS Customer Account Services.
This service is provided by Swiss Post Solutions on behalf of RS Components.