You cannot win a lottery or prize draw that you have not entered. No organisation anywhere ever holds random email draws. They don’t exist.
If “president Barrack Obama” and his “campaign team” really had organised a lottery (which they didn’t) why on earth would they use their “Afro booklet representative office” in Africa to pay you?
Just ignore this idiot, who is a scammer wanting to get his hands on your money.
165 gennesee street
Buffalo, New York. 14203
Phone/fax 0013158202152
Ticket Number: A9564 75604545 001
Reference Number : EAAL/851OYHI/08
Batch No: 890800000
Congratulations to you as we bring to your notice, the results of the First Category draws of E-MAIL
LOTTERY organized by the American lottery board in conjunction with president Barrack Obama
campaign team are happy to bring to your kind attention that your email address attached to Ticket #.:
A9564 75604545 001 drew the Winning Number #: 10-23-30-32-37 with hot ball number #:15 Have
emerged a winner of a total sum of US$920,000.00(Nine Hundred and Twenty thousand United States
Dollars) in cash credited to file EAAL/F783155460/08, this is from a total cash prize of
US$11,100,000.00 Million Dollars, shared amongst the first One Hundred and-ten (110) lucky winners in
this category worldwide.
Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our Afro booklet representative office in Africa
as indicated in electronic play coupon. Therefore your payment will be done through AMERICAN
EXPRESS BANK IN SOUTH AFRICA so we advice you contact them immediately to commence the
process to facilitate the release of your funds. All participants were selected randomly from World Wide
Web site through computer draws system and extracted from over 10,000,000 companies and personal
emails. For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential until your
claims is processed and your fund remitted to you in whatever manner you deem fit to claim your prize.
Note that this draw was organized by the campaign team of the president of the united states
BARRACK OBAMA, The president has ordered this draw just to show appreciation to men and women
who has shown support for his second term re-elected as the president of the united states. You are
advised to contact our accredited paying bank to claim your winning as your winning email has been
sent to them for verification.
Contact information is as follows;
5TH Floor 1 block,nedbank santon 135 rivonia road ,
Johannesburg, 2010
South Africa.
Tel: +27 11 04 70 324
Fax: +27 86 537 0953
Thanks and congratulation once again.
United States Lottery Board