Anti-Terrorist and Monitary Crimes Division (FBI ALERT UNITED STATE OF AMERICA)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009 9:30 AM
“Federal Bureau Investigation Alert Federal Bureau Investigation Alert” <>
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Assistant Director in Charge
Joseph Persichini, Jr
Anti-Terrorist and Monitary Crimes Division.
NAME:Robert Mueller
FBI Internet Fraud Watch/Alert
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Has discovered through our intelligence Monitoring Network (I.M.N) here in this office of investigations,that you have an ongoing transaction regarding the Being a Sole Beneficiary to MTN MILLIONAIRE LOTTERY BOARD And we have been notified,by the MTN MILLIONAIRE LOTTERY PAYOUT PROCESSING AGENT Mr Aliu Usman that this funds is yours.
So the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Washington DC, in conjunction with the Government Monitory Organization, Has screened through our various Monitoring Networks concerning fraud and has been confirmed and notified that the transaction you have with the House of Senate is Legal and you have the Lawful Right to proceed further with the transaction.
We advise you to go ahead with them as we are monitoring all their services and network.Be advised that any other letter, forwarded to you from any other organization or body, apart from the MTN MILLIONAIRE LOTTERY BOARD , should be immediately forwarded to us so that we can trace the address of the sender.
The United States Of America and Nigeria Government has spent over Three million Usd Dollar to make sure these scammers are brought before the law. They are still ready to spend more to make sure they are brought before the law.
Meanwhile, you are advised to follow the procedure of the MTN MILLIONAIRE LOTTERY PAYOUT PROCESSING AGENT Mr Aliu Usman . They have their own legal procedure which we have examined and confirmed legal. Follow their instructions while you keep us updated for more details. You are advised to contact the necessary office for more details of Transfer as we are monitoring every move now.
Please, be advised and be aware that your Winning Fund had been insured and the necessary charges would be taken care of by you, as confirmed by the Monitoring network. For your own good you are advised to confirm any other transaction you have either involved your self with, in the past to enable us trace the source of the transaction. Only this transaction has been confirmed Legal any other are still under investigation, and so many others are scam, most especially from Europe, Asia and others.
Thanks for your co-operation.
Mr. Robert Mueller.
And this would make me—The Pope’s Tomcat?