ATTENTION:YOUR NAME(Your Parcel Mode Of Delivery Choose An Option)
I seem to have received a series of scams that somehow involve the UK National Lottery. A reader forwarded me this one. If this really was from a courier company – it would be non of their business to know what is in the parcel they are due to deliver to you. Also – the sender would pay the delivery cost.
This is a scam. There is only one way to win the UK National Lottery – buy a ticket and check the winning numbers yourself. This scammer even tells you up front how much money to send as fees. Don’t reply – you haven’t won anything.
You can see the REAL UK National Lottery, click here.
![]() ![]() Unit 7 McKay Trading Estate
Blackthorne Road Colnbrook Berkshire SL3 0AH
United Kingdom.
Tel: +44-702-401-3867
Fax: +44-707-500-9914 ATTENTION:YOUR NAMW ,
You are welcome to TRANS EXPRESS INTERNATIONAL COURIER SYSTEMS, I have just been notified by the lottery office, which means you have been officially cleared for payment by the Verifications Dept. at the headquarters of the BRITISH NATIONAL LOTTERY.
The original copy of this lottery certificate, together with a covering document (Money Laundering protection and Letter of Affidavit for Claims) from the British government stating that the money was obtained legally through their National Lotto will be sent to you as soon as you meet with any of the option selected. This office has been Notified by the BRITISH NATIONAL LOTTERY. of the amount won with their National lottery in the amount of £1,500,000(One Million Five Hundred Thousand Pounds Sterling ) This means that you have been officially cleared for payment by the Verifications Dept at the headquarters of the BRITISH NATIONAL LOTTERY.
You can now begin the final step of the claims process, which is the delivery of your winning package to you. With regards to this, there are Four Options, you are required to choose any of the option below.
Courier of your winning draft to you via any of this channel listed below:
Delivery within 24 hours:{1 Working Day}
Mailing /freight cost…………………..£70.00
Handling Fee…………………………..£90.00
TOTAL:…£405 Pounds Sterling Equivalent to 870 USD
Delivery within 48 hours:{2 Working Days}
Mailing /freight cost…………………….£60.00
Handling Fee…………………………….£85.00
TOTAL:…£350 Pounds Sterling Equivalent to 770 USD
Delivery within 72 Hours:{3 Working Days}
Mailing/freight cost…………………….£55.00
Handling Fee……………………………£75.00
Vat (5%)……………………………….£55.00
TOTAL:…£310.00 Pounds Sterling Equivalent to 680 USD
Direct Bank to Bank Transfer Option: This is the Direct Bank Transfer that will enable you receive the sum of £1,500,000(One Million Five Hundred Thousand Pounds Sterling ) in any account that you will provide for this to us to effect the transfer as it is always done electronically as it will TAKE 3 WORKING DAYS to Reflect In The account that you will provide. Also you will be charged by our transferring bank, which is ( 850 GBP = 1,684 USD) of the cash being transferred will be paid by you.
Note:The charges cannot be Deducted from your winnings.This is in accordance with section 13(1)(n) of the National Gambling Act as adopted in 1993 and amended on 3RD July 1996 by the constitutional assembly.This is to protect winners and to avoid misappropriation of funds and win and win Situations.Please respond to this email by making a selection from the options above.Do attach a scanned copy of either your driver’s licence, international passport (photo page) or any other legally identifying document.
Be reminded that the deadline for the claiming of winnings is exactly Five working days after the receipt of this email. After this period, your cash prize will be deemed to have been forfeited by you and will be refused in the drawings of the next edition of the lottery.Good luck and Congratulations once again. Please send your response to this same email address. Your urgent reply will be most welcome
Treat with dispatch,
Mr.Brian Cox. Trans Express Courier Ltd This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and may be legally privileged and are solely for the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error please delete this message and any attachment files, or contact Trans Express Courier Delovery Service . All business is transacted under our Standard Trading Terms and Conditions a copy of which is available upon request . E .& .O. E . All liability for viruses.