Been Trying to reach you

Sunday, March 8, 2009 6:06 PM
“Robert Hollyer”
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9 Southwark Street,
United Kingdom

I wish to notify you again that we have unanimously agreed through a resolution reached in a meeting of our board of trustee to nominate you as a beneficiary to the total sum of (amount withheld) presently under the custody of a Bank here in London. We contacted you basically because you bear the same surname/identity of the deceased (the name withheld since this is our 2nd email to you) which obviously we know you don’t have or rather have never had any relationship whatsoever with the deceased at any given times during his life time.
As lawyers to the deceased, we cannot lay claim to this funds which is about to be forfeited to the British Crown because the bank account has been dormant for the proceeding six years without claim and according to the British law, the money will revert to the treasury of the British government if nobody applies to claim the funds within the next six months with a satisfactory proof of claim. Being lawyers to the deceased for the past fifteen years before his demise, we have all it takes to satisfactorily present you as the next of kin to the deceased for this claim and shall prepare the “will”, set-up and administer trusts, carry out the administration of estates, prepare and administer powers of attorney. All the papers will be processed in your acceptance to ensure a swift and successful process which will be carried out within the limit of the law. I (account officer to the deceased with UK Bank) in partnership with a senior partner of the lawyers to the deceased, will make this
To avoid this money being sent to the British Treasury as unclaimed funds, it is on this note I sorted your surname in your high commission here, made some preliminary inquiries about your person without disclosing my real intention anyway, and hereby crave your indulgence since you bear the same surnames as we can therefore present you as the beneficiary to the inheritance, since there is no written will.
At your acceptance of this deal, we request that you kindly send:
1. Full name
2. City & Country of Residence
3. Phone & fax number
to enable us file necessary documents at our high court probate division for the release of this sum of money in your favor.
I want to re-assure you that we have the legal might, documentary facts to establish your claim of this money as the next of kin to the deceased without hitches.

Yours faithfully,
Phone: +4470359 40594
Fax: +44 7005-921-248
You mean he’s been trying to reach from 50-500 intended spam victims??? That’s “incred-a-bull”! Delete this obvious spam and be safe!