Business Proposal
Mr Hesse, despite claiming to be a barrister at law in London, can barely write a sensible sentence in English. He promises me that he will “procure a Debt Instrument in your flavor”. I’ll have the chocolate one please, with raspberry sauce.
Dover House, 35 Dover Street London W1S 4NG
RE: Requesting Expression of Interest (EOI)
This letter serves as a confidential legal request for a joint venture
business partnership. Detailed in brief is the business proposal and services
which I am requesting from you.
My names are Robert Karl Hesse, Barrister-at-Law and Chief Executive Officer
of the Law Firm RK. HESSE LAW FIRM & ASSOCIATES Mayfair, London. My Law firm
legally represents as Attorney to Late billionaire Mr. Adolf Merckle (Herein
referred to as Client).
My Client Late Adolf Merckle, aged 74 years old, committed suicide on January
5th 2009 after his business empire ran into trouble in the global economic
financial crisis. Please refer to the news website below to read more about my
Late client.
My purpose of writing you is to request your participation in collection of
Some funds from the estate of my late client which will be legally executed by
His families Detailed are the following tasks I require from you in order to
Collect the funds from the estate of my client.
My office shall procure a Debt Instrument in your flavor, which will legally
State that my late client owes you $9 million as money owed to you by lending.
My office shall stand as legal witness and testify true claims to the Debt
Instrument. So also my office shall tender all other required legal documents
to the family for verification and approval of debt payment to you as
rightful Beneficiary. Upon the successful approval of payment to you, we
shall both have an applicable sharing of the proceeds received. You shall be
entitled to receive $4 Million as pay off for your participation and service
rendered while I shall receive the rest of the money.
I want you to be rest assured of your safety in participating in this
business, as my law office will provide a secured legal guaranteed backing
and advice to you.
Please write back to indicate your expression of interest and acceptance to
this business offer. Also include along your full names, professional
qualification and additional information about yourself.
I request you open any conversation with me on my private cell no.
+447031943817 Email:
Sincerely yours,
Robert K. Hesse , Esq.
June 1, 2010 @ 3:48 am
Got the same email though it was sent from a north carolina public school email account ( and ended with a line about any emails being subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law. I mean if you’re going to the trouble of pretending to be this barrister in England, why would you allow the email to be sent with a footer warning you about North Carolina Public Records laws? Idiots.
January 4, 2010 @ 3:20 pm
Same email sent 2xs to me this am. Thank you for keeping everyone informed. By the way, all grammer errors were cleaned up on the letters sent to me!
November 6, 2009 @ 9:45 am
Hey all even i got a mail from this scammer today……
November 3, 2009 @ 3:01 am
Just got this same email…glad I didn’t get fooled!!! God will make sure this person eventually gets what they deserve for being deceitful!!
October 8, 2009 @ 1:17 am
I just received the same scam email from the law firm in dover street, and Mr Hesse.
September 24, 2009 @ 3:19 am
My e-mail address is the name of my darlig 10 month shih tzu, Bubba. He’s grounded from the Internet because he has a habit of opening spam instead of deleting it./Grammy, age 73.
September 17, 2009 @ 8:53 pm
same exact email sent to me today!
August 25, 2009 @ 12:49 pm
my offer from Robert Hesse came from
August 7, 2009 @ 12:52 pm
The one think to look for in a scam e-mail is the fact that they use a free e-mail provider (Yahoo, AOL, Google, MSN etc.) And the other thing is the telephone number (+44701/2/3/) This nomrally redirects out of the UK to a phone in Africa, where the scammer conducts his bullshit. Be careful all.
July 10, 2009 @ 5:42 pm
I get lots of emails from scammers LIKE THIS FOOL!!! I have to admit, these guys are getting better in writing. I look for proper grammer, spelling, punctuation. I mean think about, A LEGITIMATE LAW FIRM or professional business venture, will NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER send you an email of a proposal of this magnitude. USUALLY, it would be sent via, Certified Mail (Which most scam artists know the laws know that if they do that, that is a Federal Offense- “MAIL FRAUD”) and if by chance they happen to succeed by one transaction, international or local, the FBI will catch them. It may take a few years. 1 million dollar scam, I would say is A LONG TIME FEDERAL SENTENENCE and worth while to allocate tax payers resources to prosecute no matter where these scammers are located. So they use, NON-GOVERNMENT delivery methods, like EMAIL, even UPS, Federal Express DHL to deliver there scam proposals. The big thing is that if any person knowing has an interest in any publically traded companies (worldwide), and you HAVE KNOWLEDGE of this, these companies, have legitimate attorney(s) to advise any beneficiary and or clients. In a business proposal of this magnitude once again, they probably would want you to personally go to their office (IN PERSON) so they can verify the receipent in person. COMMON SENSE, KNOW ONE (DUMB OR DUMBER) THAT IS LEGITIMATE WOULD NEVER SEND YOU AN EMAIL OR A TELEPHONE CALL TO REQUEST OF YOUR SERVICES AND PAY YOU A HUGE SUM OF MONEY ALL FOR CASHING A CHECK AT A BANK. DELETE THEM. IT IS BS TO THE LOWEST DEGREE. SOMETIMES, I HAVE A LITTLE FUN WITH THESE FOLKS AND PLAY ALONG WITH THEM TO SEE HOW FAR THEY WILL GO TO GET ME TO PARTICIPATE AND 9 TIMES OUT OF 10 WHEN I ASK THEM TO VERIFY THIER LOCAL (U.S) POINT OF CONTACT WITH VERIFIED ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER, CITY STATE, IF THEY ARE PROFESSIONAL SUCH AS ATTORNEYS OR WHATEVER, I WILL ASK FOR THIER BAR CODE AND STATE THEY PRACTICE IN OR THE AFFILIATE U.S ATTORNEY WITH BAR CODE AND STATE OF PRACTICE OR STOCK EXCHANGE NUMBER, U.S OFFICIAL LICENSE REGISTRATION , STATE ID NUMBER, FEDERAL TAX ID NUMBER ETC AND LIKE I SAID, 9 TIMES OUT OF 10 THEY DON’T RESPOND. BUT IT IS ALOT OF FUN. BY THE WAY, IF YOU GET AN EMAIL WITH A FED TAX ID NUMBER OR BAR CODE NUMBER, OR ANY GOVERNMENT ID NUMBER, YOU WANT TO KNOW WHERE IT CAME FROM AND YOU CAN GOOGLE THAT STATE OR GOVERNMENT AGENCY AND CALL THEM DIRECT TO VERIFY ANY GOVERNMENT ISSUED ID NUMBER. GOOD LUCK, AND AS MY FATHER ALWAYS TAUGHT, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS GETTING SOMETHING FOR NOTHING. YOUR SUCCESS IS BASED ON YOUR HARD WORK AND ABILITY TO USE YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND A LITTLE COMMON SENSE TO SUCCEED!
dateThu, Jul 2, 2009 at 8:36 AM
subjectRequesting Expression of Interest (EOI)
hide details Jul 2 (8 days ago) Reply
Dover House, 35 Dover Street London W1S 4NG
RE: Requesting Expression of Interest (EOI)
This letter serves as a confidential legal request for a joint venture
business partnership. Detailed in brief is the business proposal and
services which I
am requesting from you.
My names are Robert Karl Hesse, Barrister-at-Law and Chief Executive
Officer of the Law Firm RK. HESSE LAW FIRM & ASSOCIATES Mayfair, London.
My Law firm
legally represents as Attorney to Late billionaire Mr. Adolf Merckle
(Herein referred to as Client).
My Client Late Adolf Merckle, aged 74 years old, committed suicide on
January 5th 2009 after his business empire ran into trouble in the global
financial crisis. Please refer to the news website below to read more
about my late client.
My purpose of writing you is to request your participation in collection
of some funds from the estate of my late client which will be legally
executed by
his family.
Detailed are the following task I require from you in order to collect the
funds from the estate of my client.
My office shall procure a Debt Instrument in your favour, which will
legally state that my late client owes you $9 million as money owed to you
by lending.
My office shall stand as legal witness and testify true claims to the Debt
So also my office shall tender all other required legal documents to the
family for verification and approval of debt payment to you as rightful
Upon the successful approval of payment to you, we shall both have an
applicable sharing of the proceeds received. You shall be entitled to
receive $4
Million as payoff for your participation and service rendered. While I
shall receive the rest of the money.
I want you to be rest assured of your safety in participating in this
business, as my law office will provide a secured legal guaranteed backing
and advice
to you.
Please write back to indicate your expression of interest and acceptance
to this business offer. Also include along your full names, professional
qualification and additional information about yourself.
I request you open any conversation with me on my private cell no.
+44 70359 50092
Email :
Sincerely yours,
Robert K. Hesse , Esq
July 2, 2009 @ 3:10 pm
I have the same email this morning from:
Dover House, 35 Dover Street London W1S 4NG
RE: Requesting Expression of Interest (EOI)
This letter serves as a confidential legal request for a joint venture
business partnership. Detailed in brief is the business proposal and
services which I
am requesting from you.
My names are Robert Karl Hesse, Barrister-at-Law and Chief Executive
Officer of the Law Firm RK. HESSE LAW FIRM & ASSOCIATES Mayfair, London.
My Law firm
legally represents as Attorney to Late billionaire Mr. Adolf Merckle
(Herein referred to as Client).
My Client Late Adolf Merckle, aged 74 years old, committed suicide on
January 5th 2009 after his business empire ran into trouble in the global
financial crisis. Please refer to the news website below to read more
about my late client.
My purpose of writing you is to request your participation in collection
of some funds from the estate of my late client which will be legally
executed by
his family.
Detailed are the following task I require from you in order to collect the
funds from the estate of my client.
My office shall procure a Debt Instrument in your favour, which will
legally state that my late client owes you $9 million as money owed to you
by lending.
My office shall stand as legal witness and testify true claims to the Debt
So also my office shall tender all other required legal documents to the
family for verification and approval of debt payment to you as rightful
Upon the successful approval of payment to you, we shall both have an
applicable sharing of the proceeds received. You shall be entitled to
receive $4
Million as payoff for your participation and service rendered. While I
shall receive the rest of the money.
I want you to be rest assured of your safety in participating in this
business, as my law office will provide a secured legal guaranteed backing
and advice
to you.
Please write back to indicate your expression of interest and acceptance
to this business offer. Also include along your full names, professional
qualification and additional information about yourself.
I request you open any conversation with me on my private cell no.
+44 70359 50092
Email :
Sincerely yours,
Robert K. Hesse , Esq
June 29, 2009 @ 6:34 pm
I have been sent yet another bogus spam scam e-mail….
Exactmax (Hongkong) Industry Holdings Limited.
Dear Winner.
We the Exactmax Group,Board of Directors like to officially
congratulate you as the second place winner of Two
Prizes: 2009 TOYOTA CAMRY and a CASH PRICE Of $570,000USD.
Your Micros ID is : DVT-57010-JHN-624TM-2XL
This email was sent to notify you officially about the award and to
advise you to contact the processing office immediately for claim
Reply to Email:
Phone Number: +44 702-409-9715
Your Full Name…Telephone Number…Country & Sex
Note: all winning must be claim not later than 7 days
Mr.Lee Chin Wilson
Promo Coordinator.
June 1, 2009 @ 2:26 pm
This person can not event spell, let a lone convince me this is an attorney and is remotely real……
I am Bar.Robert K. Hesse , Esq OF RK. HESSE LAW FIRM & ASSOCIATES,My late
clent Mr.Adolf Merckle left a business empire worth over $9 million USD and
since he does not have any relative to inherit his propertes i will request
for your assitance in helping recover some documents in your Name as the next
of kin after which $4mllon USD will be given to you as payoff and service
rendered while i shall receive the rest of the money.Please refer to the news
website below to read more about my late client.
If you are intersted get bck to me via my private
March 16, 2009 @ 5:43 pm
in the scam I received there’s one more line:
“Attention Customer this is to inform you that you have a parcel of $78,000.00 with us,which await the outstanding payment of $150.Contact Mr.Adewale Jacob E-mail:“
March 11, 2009 @ 12:25 am
nakatanggap din ako ng ganitong e-mail. shame!!
March 2, 2009 @ 2:56 pm
I have just had the very same email from this crook!!
February 18, 2009 @ 6:14 am
This good for nothing guy is a scammer and he thinks all guys are fools like him. To hell with this scammer.
February 9, 2009 @ 4:46 am
You can bet the only “business” this clown is interested in is to line his pockets with your money, leaving you with nothing.