Cahoot Online Account
Now it’s the Cahoot Bank that are having trouble. The scammers just want me to log in and give them all my details. I did what you shouldn’t – clicked on the link. These scam websites are usually closed down within minutes – as soon as someone reports them to the webhost. I clicked as soon as this arrived and so was taken to the scam site.
My web browsers all have built-in phishing filters, but they often rely on the scam site being reported. So don’t rely on your phishing filter to be 100% accurate. If you are one of the first to receive a scam bank email, your browser may be blissfully unaware that it is a scam. Keep your wits about you.
Here is the information the scammers ask for:
And this is the address of the website that I was taken to:
Cahoot Bank has been receiving complaints from our customers for unauthorised use of the Cahoot Online accounts. As a result we periodically review Cahoot Online Accounts and temporarily restrict access of those accounts which we think are vunerable to the unauthorised use.
This message has been sent to you from Cahoot Bank because we have noticed invalid login attempts into your account, due to this we are temporarily limiting and restricting your account access until we confirm your identity.
To confirm your identity and remove your account limitation please following the link below.