Chen Hsong Holdings Limited
A change from advance fee frauds. Money laundering instead. Don’t get involved with these scammers. No reputable company needs your help to move money. What the fraudster wants is someone to help with oney laundering. And guess who will get prosecuted and gaoled when the Police catch up with you. Got it in one. YOU. Delete the email and don’t reply.
Dear Sir/madam,
I am the GBM (Chairman) of Chen Hsong Holdings Limited This Company Established since 1958. After half a century of endless efforts, Chen Hsong has grown from a small machinery workshop to one of the largest manufacturers of injection moulding machines in the world.Chen Hsong Holdings Limited, Produces, Exclusive circular platen (patended), ichen shop- floor Networked management system, Ductile iron casting and machining, Jetmaster minijet series, Jetmaster MKIV series, Jetmaster large series, CHEN-PET Two-stage preform moulding turnkey system, jetmaster C Series, E.T.C. Due to long association with our suppliers and our thorough understanding of the working condition in the Industry; It is upon this note that we are writing you this mail to seek your assistance in representing our company in your locality as our RECEIVING AGENT/REPRESENTATIVE.One who will act as a medium for our clients in those locality to be reaching us with their payments and so on. Note that as a re!
ceiving Agent of our company,You will be entitled to TEN Percent Payment of any amount you receive from our customers We seek your Sincere cooperation and assistance to establish a cordial relationship with our clients.To facilitate the conclusion of this proposal if accepted,Please send us
the following Information
1) Your Full name…………..and present occupation…………
2) Telephone number…………..and Fax…………..
3) Contact address…………….
4) Age…………….
Thanks in anticipation.
Dr. Chiang Chen
GBM (Chairman)
Chen Hsong Holdings Limited