From one of my two most frequent contributors, remind me to send them both a virtual Mars Bar for their contributions.  Oh yes, with this comment: “{“Compensating” my what??? This Spammy Sammy’d better take a typing and spelling class, hire a new secretary and learn the English language!}”

I have a new email address!
You can now email me at:

– GOOD NEWS CONTACT THE COMPENSATION HEAD OFFICE Dear Friend,Due to your effort,sincerity, courage and trust worthiness you showed at the course of the transaction the following listed body Bank of Africa,World Bank,Non-Governmental Organization want to compensate you and show Their ratitude to you with the sum of $500.000.00 (FIVE Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) We have authorized the finance house and deposit firm all over the Universe where we deposited ourmoney to issue you international certified bank draft cashable at your bank. My dear friend I will like you to contact the finance house for the collection of this international certified bank draft. The name and contact address of the Person with your Bank Draft Mr Richard Obi , is as follows.COMPENSATION AND FINANCE HOUSE HEAD OFFICE CONTACT AGENT Mr Richard You are to fill the below information and forward it to the claims agent whose name and email address is given above,to enable the easy release of your claim.FULL NAME (sRESIDENCE TELEPHONE NUMBER (S)OCCUPATION: SEX: AGE: MOUNT:US$500,000**OO**cent MARITAL STATUS:At the moment, I am very busy here because of the investment projects which myself and my new partner are having at hand. Finally, remember that I have forwarded instruction to the finance house on your behalf to send the bank draft to you as soon as you contact them without delay.Please I will like you to accept this token with goodfaith as this is from the bottom of my heart. Thanks and God bless you and your family. Hope tohear from you soon.My sincere advice to you as a christian is that you should endeavour to pay your tithe to a bible believing church when you get the prize.Yours Faithfull Mr RICHARD OBI Former US trade representative PLS CALL ME ON THIS NUMBER 234-8025859430.HRS