Confirmation Email Ref No: (07-62-34-28-99)
1m Euros today. Another fake sweepstake draw. Another scammer hoping to con you into parting with your money by paying an advance fee. Don’t get take in. Delete the email and don’t reply.
Confirmation Email Ref No: (07-62-34-28-99)
Reply to Email:
You have won 1,000.000.00 Euro ( One Million Euro only), in the Euromillions Email
Sweepstakes Program Corporation, held on the 23rd January,2009 ,in Brussels
Belgium.We write to officially notify you of this award and to advis you
to contact the processing office immediately.for the cliama
Contact, Mr. Thomas Gaston Rans.
TEL: +32-496-827-998 or +1132-496-827-998
Reply to Email:
Below are your Winning Information’s:
Reference No (07-62-34-28-99)
Serial No 48-5-41-31-85,
Lucky No 32-33-36-40-49-2*8
Batch No 6-44-53-6-05-24
Ticket No 12-09-42-35-00-11
Please note that the validity period of the winning is 30 working days;
hence you are expected to make your claims immediately. Any claim not made
before this date will be CANCELLED.
Dr. Carolina Healing.
Promotions Coordinator