What a load of rubbish. Ungrammatical, poorly written and repetitive. This scammer claims to offer loans – yet the only contact details given are an msn email address. No accreditations, no website, no address – nothing. Not surprising really – this scammer doesn’t want to lend you money, he or she wants to take money from you by charging you fees. Delete the email and don’t reply.
Dear sir/madam,
Trusted Financial Market offers 100% Project Funding and we are guaranteed in giving out financial services to our clients all over world..We give out
financial services to our numerous clients allover the world.With our flexible lending policy.
Contact our customer service for loans of all kind so as to furnish you with more details:
Yours in Service
June 30, 2009 @ 8:18 pm
This definitely sounds like a scam for they do not someone to be able to track them down and research them. The old saying is Buyer Beware. I recently viewed a book on called Scammers Among Us Beware, a self-help guide about scams and fraud. It gives you lots of info regarding how to, how not to, what to do if with web pages and cite pages to back it up. It has data from the USA, Canada, the UK, and Interpol. Check it out. This may just save you your life savings or your friend’s. This book also has a personal testimony of how he was involved with scams and what happened, interesting?