And Hello Dear to you too. My reader in the Middle East comments that it is kind of the scammer to cash the cheque for him: “HE HAS PAID THE REGISTERATIONS FEE…………………THIS IS HIS SPECIAL KIND….BUT THE CHEQUE DRAFT ONLY AMOUNTING TO $1.5 Mio……AND THEY CASH IT FOR ME…..THIS IS ANOTHER THEIR KINDNESS…..”
It isn’t kind, of course, it’s a scam. There is no money.
Hello Dear, I have Paid the registrations fee for your Cheque Draft.but the manager of Eko Bank Benin told me that before the check will get to you that it will expire.So i told him to cash $1.5millions united state dollars all the necessary arrangement of delivering the $1.5millions united state dollars in cash was made with FEDEX COURIER COMPANY. This is the information they need to delivery your package to you.ATTN: DR EDWARD LYNN (Director) EMAIL ADDRESS contact phone number +229-93692785 Please Send them your contacts information to able them locate you immediately they arrived in your country with your BOX .This iswhat they need from you.
1.YOUR FULL NAME…………2.YOUR COUNTRY………..3.YOUR HOME ADDRESS…………..4.YOUR CURRENT HOME AND CELL TELEPHONE NUMBER……… 5.YOUR CURRENT OFFICE TELEPHONE………. 6.A COPY OF YOUR PICTURE………… Please make sure you send this needed infomation to the Director FEDEXCOURIER COMPANY. Edward Lynn (Director) with the E-mail addressgiven to you. Note. FEDEX COURIER COMPANY don’t know the contents of the Box.i register it as 1 BoxSensitive Photographic Film Material . They don’t know that that the contents was money. this is to avoid them delaying with the Box. the Deposit details: Deposit Number: PLCC-101-PL45 Sort/ClearanceCode: PLC/101-45/P50 Deposit Certificate N0.: 405576 Consignment Description: 1 Box Sensitive Photographic Film Material Depositor: Mrsrose Bob Best Regard Mrsrose Bob