Dear Annie

Just a few days ago I set up an online email address to use with scammers.  I replied to one scammer and within hours I received this scam – the scammer even thinks they know my name!

Dear Annie,

This medium of sending out my business intention is really out of my way but i am in a situation that gives me no further time or option. I will not apologize for sending it either because what i am bringing to you is something that you will benefit greatly from if you are interested. Again, is very unfortunate that someone of my status is sending this email because i know the internet has been battered and abused enormously, making it cheap and insecure to see trusted man or woman to entrust such huge sum in their care based on my late husband experience. I will give you further details on this business after i must have been satisfied that you are a transparent business partner who can genuinely control amount worth Thirteen Million United State dollars. I will give you comprehensive details and note this is 100% risk free, meaning no risk involve, i only need absolute trust from you. I plead that you only respond if you are honestly interested and has the capability to control the said amount.
Mrs. Afusat Lamburira

Annie was in a bad mood that day, so she sent the scammer a facetious reply asking why it was “unfortunate that someone of my status” was sending out scam emails, when she thought that was what scammers do!

The scammer is clearly a little lacking in the brains department because he replied:

Dear Annie,

God forbids me sending you scam email. Just ignore if not interested because i have no time for frivolities.

Mrs.  Afusat Lamburira

It appears that brains aren’t all that this scammer is lacking.  A basic understanding of religion (any religion) seems to be missing too.