Dear Linda DePeel,
Wednesday, March 18, 2009 3:58 AM
“yahoo lotowinners” <>
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Dear Linda DePeel,
This is to acknowledge the receipt of your mail and to inform you that my duties include representing your interest and guiding you through claiming your winning cash prize. Congratulations and have a wonderful week. Reply me to acknowledge the receipt of this e-mail immediately to able me to process your claim.
I know you see this as a scam because of what is happing in the world today, but my dear you are not the only one that has benefited from this awards a lot of people all over the world are testifying of this already.
So why don’t you send the information and joint those that are already testifying.
Yours in service,
Good luck and Congratulations once again and have a wonderful day .
I have never heard of this before, never responded—yet here they are, sending me this malarkey! If you receive one of these, delete it and maybe block the sender from your e-mail.