Did you receive the money?
Friday, February 27, 2009 11:59 AM
“Mr .John Duffer.” <powelldesk@gmail.com>
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Dear friend.
How are you today ,I have tried emailing you through your e-mail address in
quite some time to inform you that the transaction we were pursing together
finally worked out by God’s infinite mercy and to know if you confirmed the
money I sent to you, but I have yet to receive a response from you. I lost
everything in the process of reformat my computer fortunately my secretary
found your email address for me which I’m sure was from you so I’m trying this
e-mail address as well.
Since last time I’ve been enquiring about the Seven hundred thousand USD I
transferred to you as COMPENSATION to your dedication, did you receive the
money? They said the transfer will only take an hour or so to reach you
provided your receiving details are correct.
One final thing you can always reach the bank on this e-mail which is
financedesk@ubbi.com OR sarahsmith55@nifmail.jp if you have not receive it yet
to confirm your contact and receiving details. I have been working on some 6
business plans in Asia I will have more info when I come back, by then I will
communicate with you so we can get a few more lines straightened out. May the
love, grace and favour of God rest upon you and me.
Thank you,
Mr .John Duffer.
Just one question: WHAT MONEY???
January 13, 2019 @ 11:53 am
Hello how do I receive my money
January 16, 2019 @ 4:10 pm
Why do you think a scammer will send you money?