Dr Anthony Barnes (Mr)
Dr Barnes tells me he holds a “strategic position” at no less an institution than The Bank of England PLC. Strange then that he can only manage a yahoo.com.hk email address. You’d think the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street would manage to give him a more impressive address, wouldn’t you? Dr Barnes and his bank have a profitable proposal for me – or you – or any one of the thousands of email addresses that the email has been sent to.
Dr Barnes doesn’t exist, of course. At least not as an employee of the Bank of England. He’s a scammer. After you money. Delete the email and don’t reply.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Dr Anthony Barnes (Mr.) a staff of Bank of England plc London.I hold
a strategic position in the accounts/foreign exchange department.I am
pleased to get across to you for a very urgent and profitable business
proposal which I believe will profit us after completion. I contacted you
believing you might be capable of handling this business transaction.
Reply to my e-mail:dr.anthonybarnes80@yahoo.com.hk for further details.
Kind Regards,
Dr. Anthony Barnes