“Prof” Wady-ramahi writes to me from Jordan.  I guess no-one has told him that if you want customers (woops – I mean scam victims) you should be polite to them.   He tells me he wrote to me more than 10 days ago (aka “Sometimes Ago”) –  etc, etc, etc.

He’s a scammer.  Ignore him and don’t reply.  If you do reply he will try to charge you fees for your non-existent investments.

.Dear sirs,
Please read here under our circular Letter Final Notice

Despite the elapse of more than 10 days since I sent you my last letter (Sometimes Ago) , I am sending you this FINAL NOTICE, prior to my canceling your file.
Please make up your mind and reach your final decision, regarding your investments or your charity.

Dr. Prof. Seif Al Wady-ramahi
Consultant, Investment & Charities