from lawrence and cynthia dickson
Lawrence and Cynthia are in a spot of bother. Their parents died leaving them a stack of cash. But their wicked uncle wants to bump them off and get his hands on the money. They just need my help to transfer the money to my account.
Rhubarb. They don’t want to give me, or you, money. They want to take money – from me or you – by way of fees to transfer their non-existant millions.
Ignore them. They’re scammers. Just delete the email and don’t reply.
from lawrence and cynthia dickson
ploort 9 face .2.( g. r. a )
freetown sierra -leone.
dearest one,
it is our pleasure to write you after much consideration,
since we can not be able to see you face to face at first,please we need
your kind assistance.i am lawrence dickson 23years old,and my kid sister
is cynthia dickson 20 years old all so we are the only survival family of
late dr. daniel dickson,from sierra – leone.
my father was the owner of mediastone pharmaceutical company in sierra –
leone before his untimely death.after his business trip to libya,to
negotiate on a oil exploration business he wanted to invest in libya,a week
after he came back from libya,he had an accident with my mother who died
instantly but my father died seven days after in a private hospital.on that
fateful afternoon, i didn’t know that my father was going to leave us after
we had earlier lost our mother,but before he gave up to ghost,it was as if
he knew he was going to die. he my father,(of blessed memory) called me
to his bed side and told me that he deposited the sum of($7,500,000.00)
seven million five hundred thousand us dollars in a bank here in sierra –
leone.that the money was meant for his pharmaceutical company business he
wanted to establish in libya,according to my father he deposited the money
in a fixed suspense account using my name as next of kin,he instructed me
to seek for a reliable,god fearing and trustworthy business partner for my
life time i have succeeded in locating the deposit documents
and the bank where this money is been deposited.due to my inexperience in
business here in sierra – leone,i am now seeking for your assistance to
help me transfer this money from my country to your account so that we
should invest it in any meaningful and lucrative business in your country
in which you will suggest because this is my our hope in life.i am willing
to offer 20% of the total fund if only you can help us out of our present
dear one we seek your kind assistance in the following ways respectfully;-
1.provision of a bank account where this money can be transferred into. 2.
sponsor us transfer this money into your account, 3.i want you to promise
me that you are not going to betray us after the money gets into your
account. the worst part of it is that my uncle is planning evil against
our life over this money because i refused to hand him over the documents
covering this money, he has sold all our father landed properties including
his cars which rightful belong to us and now he wanted us to hand him over
the banking documents of my father in my possesion which i he
said that he will have this moneny by all means even if it means killing
us,so because of this i instruct my father attorney to push down the fund
to cote d’ivoire in a proper well bank.i ran away with my sister from
sierra-leone to cote d’ivoire in a st’ marys catholic church , pending when
this money will be transferred so that we can leave the country for our
safety.please you can sent your reply to this.
please i am looking forward to hear from you thank’s and god bless you.
yours sincerely,
law and cynthia dickson