“Mrs. Maimouna Khalid” is the second person today to write and tell me that she is dying from cancer and has millions of dollars to share with me. She omitted the usual bit about being widowed, childless and having devoted her life to God/Allah.
Don’t believe a word this scammer has written. His or her only aim is to take your money. She isn’t dying, she doesn’t have millions of dollars and she has no intention of sharing anything with you.
Dear Beloved One,
It is my pleasure to contact you for charities and humanitarian homes I intend to establish in your
country. Though I have not met with you before but I believe one has to risk confidence to succeed
sometimes in life.
I have been diagnosed with cancer and it has defied all forms of medical treatment in my system,I
was informed by the doctors that I have only about a few months to live, I quickly call up a prophet
to give me positive thinking on this solution, as my adviser. He minister to me to share my
properties ,wealth,to charities and humanitarian homes.I have decided to distribute my funds worth
(USD$12.5M)Twelve Million Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars to charities and humanitarian homes.I
have set aside 20% for you in all assistance you will render so keep this as a secret to yourself
because this is my last wish.
Mrs. Maimouna Khalid
WebMail FDV – MG
Faculdade Viçosa