How modern moms make money

Friday, March 20, 2009 8:40 AM
“Modern Moms” <>
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Hey there,

Is it possible to work an extra hour and make $300??

I accidentally found this website several days ago.

I asked my sister to give it a try (she is 33 and has 2 kids) and see
what’s the trick behind this “modern moms making money” thing…

To my surprise, I got a phone call form my sis just yesterday.
She was radiating happiness…

She told me she used the website to make an extra $1875 in just
7 days working only 2 hours/day.


You need to check this out first.

Let me know how this works for you.

Good luck!

p.s – there’s limited spots so you wanna hurry.

p.p.s – after seeing my sister’s success I’ve just joined myself…
I cannot let her make more than me… If she can do it, I’m sure I can too 🙂

Visit Here

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Maybe I’m paranoid, maybe America’s failing economy has me spooked, but I just have all sorts of bells, whistles and sirens going off in my head about this e-mail.