Incident 4736664 – Companies House
I’ve received several of copies of this email, each with a different number. DO NOT OPEN the attachment. It’s a zip file which almost certainly contains malware.
The submission number is: 4736664
For more details please check attached file.
Please quote this number in any communications with Companies House.
All Web Filed documents are available to view / download for 10 days after their
original submission. However it is not possible to view copies of accounts that
were downloaded as templates.
Companies House Executive Agency may use information it holds to prevent
and detect fraud. We may also share such information, for the same purpose,
with other Organizations that handle public funds.
If you have any queries please contact the Companies House Contact Centre
on +44 (0)303 1234 500 or email
Note: This email was sent from a notification-only email address which cannot
accept incoming email. Please do not reply directly to this message.
Companies House
4 Abbey Orchard Street
Tel +44 (0)303 1234 500