Job Opening Apply Within

Wednesday, March 18, 2009 11:40 AM
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My name is Mark Johnson the president of HOME BEVERAGE LIMITED .

We are into agricultural processing mainly cocoa seed processing we import this product from cocoa producing countries for processing into semi raw material before selling to companies that conclude this raw material to finish home made beverage product such as chocolate etc.

We are a growing firm with a good per capital turn up per year we try as much as possible to make sure we increase our capital base every year that goes by to be able compete with other much bigger firm in the same line of business.

Our main aim is to be able to fit into the market with the best known names that is why we employ capable individual to work for us to help grow our company.

We are looking for a sale representative to attend to our customers a representative who can establish good relationship with our customers probably receive payment from them on our behalf.

In every payment you receive from our customer you have 5% and the rest sent to any of our offices.

If you are interested to act as our representative do fill in the requested information below.

First Name:



Full Residential Address:


Mobile phone:


“Apply within” what, Spammy Sammy??? Your spam, that asks for far too much information??? I don’t think so!!!