My Dear Beloved in the Lord
From a reader, with this comment: “Ms. Daisy” can sure lay it on thick. Readers beware!
I’ll just add that Ms Daisy seems to be full of quotes from the Bible and religion. Isn’t there something in the Bible about “Though Shalt Not Steal”. Perhaps she should read the Bible again.
Subject: {Spam?} My Dear Beloved in the Lord,
Date: Friday, January 30, 2009, 8:11 AMMy Dear Beloved in the Lord, Good day to you and your family, My Name is Mrs. Daisy Abraham,I am married
to late Dr.Abraham who was an Oil Merchant and international businessman,
before he died in the year 2001 after a briefillness that lasted for only
five days. We were married for Seventeen years with a daughter (Lillian)who
later died in an Automobile accident. Before the Untimely death of my husband
we were both born again Christians. Since his death I decided not to remarry
or get a child outside my Matrimonial home which the Bible is against.When my late husband was Alive he deposited the sum of ($18,000,000.00 USD)
Eighteen Million United States Dollars with a Bank in England whose name is
witheld Until we open up communication,this money is still with the Bank till
Recently, Following my ill health, my Doctor told me that i may not last for
the next Couple Of Months due to My cancer problem. the one that disturbs me
most is my inability to move Around and Having known my condition I decided
to donate this fund to a Charitable organization or a Trusted Person that
will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct herein,according to
the desire of my late husband Before his death. I don’t want a situation
where this money will be used in an ungodly Way.This is why I am taking this
decision. I am not afraid of death Hence I know where I am going. I know that
I am going to be in the Bossom of the Lord. Exodus 14 VS 14 says that “the
lord will fight my case and I shall hold my peace”. I don’t need any
telephone communication in this regard because of my health hence the
presence of my husband’s relatives around me always.I don’t want them to know
about this development and i want you to know that With God all things are
possible.As soon as I receive your reply, I shall give you the contact of the Bank
where you shall reach them and i will also issue you a Letter Of
Authorization from the High Court Of Justice here in malaysia that will prove
you to be a beneficiary of this fund while I want you and your organization
to always pray for me because the lord is my shephard,My happiness is that I
lived a life of a worthy Christian.Whoever that Wants to serve the Lord must
serve him in spirit and Truth.Please always be prayerful all through your
life. Any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing another
individual for this same purpose.Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I Stated herein while i am
Hoping to receive your urgent
Have a Blessed Day.
Your Beloved Sister
Mrs.Daisy Abraham.
February 4, 2011 @ 10:42 am
–Original Message–
Date: 2/4/2011 9:10:20 AM
My Christian greetings to you beloved in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who made it possible for me to be in contact with you this day, the Author and the Finisher of our faith.My name is Mrs Anzia Aida John a native of United States of America.I was married to Dr.John Amato,a Ghanaian Citizen who died of symptoms from HIV/AIDS Virus on 20th November 2010.
We were both married for 34 years without any child. His death occurred after an opportunistic illness that lasted for only 8 days, he was my whole life and everything i lived and cared for, but that was how God wanted it, may his soul be in the hands of the LORD. Before his death We loved each other so much though we were childless.Shortly after the death of my husband,i also tested HIV positive and have been on Anti-retrovirus drugs ever since.Last week i ran another test and my doctor confirmed that my case has gone worse,that i might not be able to live for more 2 months.
When my late husband was alive we saved up to a total amount of (US$17million ) which we had proposed for Establishment and Development of Orphanage/Charity Organization but death is threatening not to allow me see the vision alive.Though i do not know anything about you but with a heart filled with sincerity and honesty,i wish to bequeath this fund to you so that you can assist me see this vision alive even if i die any time from now.(FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ORPHANAGE HOME, FOOD PANTRIES, CLOTHES Financial and Security FOR DISTRIBUTIONS FOR THE POOR IN THE WORLD).
Having known my present health condition I decided to make the donation of this funds to you or any less privileged individuals who can in real honesty utilize this Fund the way I stated here in.People in Ghana are not honest at all,especially Ghanaian Citizen’s,so i do not want to take the risk of giving out my late husbands fund to any of them around me.
My Bible made me to understand that Blessed is the hand that giveth than the one that receiveth.This decision was taken because I don’t have any child that will inherit this fund and Ghanaian people are greedy and untruthful people, I wouldn’t want meand my late husbands efforts to be used by unbelievers and greedy individuals for selfish and ungodly purposes, i do not want a situation where this Fund will be in the hands of ungodly persons. If you are to be trust worthy and legally fit for this project offer, i will offer to you 30% of the fund for you/your family use and then the rest will go into my WISH as i just told you above.I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am going to. I know i may die but will definitely live again.
I know that I am going to be in the bosom of the Lord Jesus Christ. Exodus 14 VS 14 says that the lord will fight my case and I shall hold my peace,John 3.16: says For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten son that who ever believes in Him shall have everlasting life.Hoping to receive your reply soonest through my private email here.
Remain Blessed In The Lord Always.
Your’s in Christ,Sister.
Anzia Aida John
Lieber Im Herrn geliebte
Meine christliche Grüße an Sie Geliebten im Namen unseres Herrn Jesus Christus, der es mir ermöglicht, in Kontakt mit euch diesen Tag gemacht, ist der Autor und der Vollender des faith.My Namen von Frau Aida Anzia John gebürtige United Staaten von America.I war Dr. John Amato, ein ghanaischer Citizen, die von Symptomen von HIV / AIDS Virus auf 20. November 2010 starb.
Wir waren beide verheiratet seit 34 Jahren ohne Kind. Sein Tod trat nach einer opportunistischen Erkrankung, die nur 8 Tage dauerte, war er mein ganzes Leben und alles, was ich gelebt und gepflegt, aber das war, wie Gott es wollte, kann seine Seele in den Händen des Herrn sein. Vor seinem Tod Wir liebten einander so sehr, wenn wir childless.Shortly nach dem Tod meines Mannes habe ich auch getestet HIV-positiv und haben sich auf Anti-Retrovirus Drogen jemals since.Last Woche habe ich einen weiteren Test lief und mein Arzt bestätigt wurden, dass mein Bei schlechter gegangen ist, das könnte ich nicht in der Lage, um weitere 2 Monate zu leben.
Als mein verstorbener Mann noch am Leben war gerettet wir bis zu einem Gesamtbetrag von (US $ 17 Millionen), die wir für Aufbau und Entwicklung von Waisenhaus / Charity-Organisation vorgeschlagen hatte aber der Tod droht, nicht zuzulassen, mich zu sehen die Vision alive.Though Ich weiß nicht, nichts über Sie, sondern mit einem Herzen mit Aufrichtigkeit und Ehrlichkeit gefüllt, möchte ich vererben diese Fonds, so dass Sie helfen können mich sehen diese Vision am Leben, auch wenn ich sterbe jeder Zeit ab jetzt. (FÜR DIE BILDUNG Waisenhaus, Tafeln , KLEIDUNG Finanz-und Security für Ausschüttungen für die Armen in der Welt).
Nachdem bekannt mein gegenwärtiger Gesundheitszustand habe ich beschlossen, die Spende von diesem Mittel, die Ihnen oder weniger privilegierten Menschen, die in Echtzeit Ehrlichkeit nutzen dieses Fonds, so wie ich hier angegebenen in.People in Ghana sind überhaupt nicht ehrlich kann, vor allem ghanaische Bürger zu machen, so will ich nicht, um das Risiko der Herausgabe meines verstorbenen Gatten Fonds für einen von ihnen um mich zu nehmen.
Meine Bibel hat mich zu verstehen, dass Selig die Hand, als die, die receiveth.This Entscheidung getroffen wurde, weil ich nicht jedes Kind, dass erben diesen Fonds und Ghanaer sind gierig und verlogen Volk giebt ist, würde ich nicht wollen meand meines verstorbenen Gatten Bemühungen von Ungläubigen und gierigen Individuen für selbstsüchtig und Gottlosen Zwecke verwendet werden, ich möchte nicht eine Situation, wo dieser Fonds in den Händen der Gottlosen Personen werden. Wenn Sie auf Nummer Vertrauens würdig und rechtlich für dieses Projekt bieten fit sind, werde ich Ihnen anbieten 30% der Fonds für Sie / Ihre Familie nutzen und dann der Rest geht in mein Wunsch als ich gerade gesagt, bin nicht above.I Angst vor dem Tod damit ich weiß, wohin ich gehe zu. Ich weiß, ich kann sterben, aber auf jeden Fall wieder zu leben.
Ich weiß, dass ich werde in den Schoß des Herrn Jesus Christus zu sein. Exodus 14 VS 14 sagt, dass der Herr mein Fall kämpfen und ich werde meinen Frieden, halten Joh 3,16: Denn Gott sagt so lieb die Welt, dass er seinen eingeborenen Sohn, der jemals an ihn glaubt, ewiges life.Hoping erhalten haben Ihre Antwort bald durch meine private E-Mail hier.
Bleibt gesegnet im Herrn allezeit.
Ihre Freunde in Christus, Schwester.
Anzia Aida John