NNPC Prize Offer(icket Number 07-08-10-19-40-46-{55})
Thursday, March 12, 2009 2:54 AM
“Copyright ©NNPC Lottery Promotions” <acml125@arihantcapital.com>
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Copyright © 2009.
Tel: +234-709-523-4674
Dear NNPC Winner,
Congratulations!!! This is to inform you that you have won the sum of
US$2,500,000.00 in the NNPC Promo held in Lagos, Nigeria this month. During
the selection, the email address of seven (7) people were randomly selected to
receive the prize award and that is how your email address came out as one of
the winner. In other to claim your prize,you are to contact the Fiduciary
manager with your ticket Number 07-08-10-19-40-46-{55} and you are also advise
to fill and submit the form below.
Full Names:
Tel #:
Country Of Residence:
Do contact our Agent below for claim:
Agent Name: Mr. Steven Rogers
Email: nnpc_promo2009@yahoo.co.jp
Lottery funds is sponsord by the Nigerian Petroleum Fund Project 2009 (NPFP).
Please do take note that this is not one of the Internet online fraud, this is
100% Legalised and Approved by the Nigeria Gaming Board (NGB).
Mr. Justice Edobor
NNPC Notification Officer
Copyright ©NNPC Lottery Promotions
I have never heard of “NNPC” before, but I do know that this is spam—it also comes from Nigeria. Unfortunately, all you can do is delete it, since “Justice” will elude these spammers. And what’s “icket”? It’s called lousy typing/spelling!