No Subject
“Mrs Linda” doesn’t want to lend you money – she wants to take your money. If you make the mistake of replying you will find a scammer who starts asking you to send money for fees. Ignore her.
I’m Mrs Linda Financial Services I give you all
types of loans for all stakeholders with an interest rate very low
3%. So if you want to get a loan from my company will give me the
best for you all you need do is to get you information
needed for the processing of your loan should
e-mail to
Information needed
Their names. ………………
Your Country ……………….
Your address ………………….
Occupation ……………………..
Your marital status …………………
current situation in the labor market ……….
Home Phone ……………….
Mobile Phone ………………..
Monthly income. ………………….
Loan amount required ……………………..
Loan term ………………….
I will await your response to my ad I hope this email in good