No Subject
“Randy Bobst” got bored one day and decided to make up a fake lottery email. He couldn’t be bothered to give his email a subject line and he couldn’t be bothered to give his fake lottery company a name. He appears to be a student at Jadavpur University – clearly not one of the brighter ones. My suggestion is that “Randy Bobst” should pay more attention to his studies.
Selected Email Notification
This Email is to inform you that you have emerged a winner in Category (A)
the sum of $2,500,000.00USD on our online lottery draws.
Your email address is identified with Batch Number:444821545-NL/2009 and
Ref No: NL 2009 OS 1973 in Category (A)
For further Information
contact our Lottery claims agent.
Name:Mr. Fredrick Hanssen
Tel: +31 626433877
You are advised to provide him with the following informations:
First name:
Last Name:
Telephone/Fax number:
NOTE: All winnings must be claimed not later than 8 days, thereafter
unclaimed funds would be included in the next stake.
Remember to quote your reference information.
You are to keep all lotto information confidential, especially your
reference and Batch Number.
Furthermore, should there be any change of address do inform our agent as
soon as possible.
Yours Faithfully,
Randy Bobst.
Lottery Coordinator.
Thank you and congratulations!!!