Parttime Job Vacancy
I’ve received this email dozens of times recently. All from different names and all claiming to the “manager” for an unnamed “large” company. The email addresses you are asked to reply to are:
*** – this domain was registered in Feb 2012 to someone in the USA
***@c o r p m a i l e u r o p e . n e t – this domain was also registered in Feb 2012 in the USA
This is a scammer. There are no jobs, just scammers waiting to take your money. The usual way that these fake jobs work is this: You are sent a payment by the scammer and asked to forward it to somewhere else, minus your “salary”. After you’ve done that, the original payment is withdrawn, leaving you out of pocket with no way of getting your money back.
I am a manager of the HR department of a large multinational company.
Our company is engaged in different areas of activity, such as:
– consulting services
– bank accounts opening and maintenance
– private undertaking services
– etc.
Currently, we are looking for managers in Europe:
– earnings 2300euro+bonus
– underemployment
– flexible work time
If you has taken decision to be our regional manager we ask you kindly to present us the following data:
h r @ w o r k w u g l t d . c o m (delete spaces in email address before using it)
Full name:
Telephone Number:
Be informed! Candidates from EU are needed only!
Please, write your Telephone Number and our manager will contact you to conduct an interview.