REF: NLU/63120973/LY AND BATCH: 08/H3401/3UK
Oh look – the “National Lottery” which is, apparently, based at its “British Headquarter” has an agent with a Hong Kong email address who works for a company with a Spanish name and a German registration. That’s one mixed up story!!
Why is it so muddled? Because it’s a scam. There was no draw and you haven’t won anything. There is just a scammer waiting to take money from you by charging you fees. Delete the email and don’t reply.
The board of directors and entire member of staff of the National Lottery
wishes to inform you of the result of the (Email Address Ballot) online
Sweepstakes international program held at the British Headquarter.
Your email account has been picked as a winner of Six Hundred Thousand
Pounds Sterling (£600,000.00) in cash credited to file UIA/3626118300/03.
This is from a total sum of Four Million, Two hundred Thousand Pounds
Sterling (£ 4,200,000.00) shared amongst seven winners. Your email address
attached to ticket number: 8VY57104 28 with Serial number 173/02 drew the
lucky numbers 6-6-43-00-47-90 .
Contact Agent: Mr. David Bates
Foreign Services Directorate/ Operation Personnel
Pacifico Sistemas Informáticos GmbH & Co.
Phone: +44 702 401 4762
REF: NLU/63120973/LY AND BATCH: 08/H3401/3UK
1. Full name
2. Address.
3. Country.
4. Tel and fax number.
5. Occupation.
6. Religion.
7. Age
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Wilson Stacy,
Executive Zonal Coordinator.
Material Copyright © 2009 The Lottery Co. Ltd.