reply via website
This scammer has set up a website in the hope of convincing you that their little scam is real. was registered on 10 March to someone in Zurich. It is an exact copy of this size, which was set up in February and also registered to someone in Zurich. Clearly this is an active scammer or scammers.
You haven’t won anything and neither have I. If you enter your supposed winning id and password, you will be taken to a page where you will be asked for a lot of personal details, including a copy of your passport or other ID. After that, I imagine your “claims agent” will start demanding money from you.
Ignore these scammers.
Dear Email User,
This is to immediately inform you that your email address with Micros ID (Y2K-TB62-LTEC-YF82-9G) has won you $490,000 and a brand new ranger rover sports.Use the details below to login and immediately begin your claims.
Ingrid Beck
April 24, 2012 @ 7:59 pm
After filling out his form I can see an agent’s “name” (fake I guess, but email address might be valid, although no matches on search engines) Dr.Boyd Lane (no space after “Dr.”) and email and when you click at the “flying balloons” you get another form “Claims Processing Form(CPF) …” where you shall fill in the usually crap Nigerian spammer want from you.
April 11, 2012 @ 7:13 am
exactly. i won a range rover car and a whopping $490,000. wish it was real anyway. i think Harold Bucker works for them..if that’s even his real name
April 10, 2012 @ 10:28 am
Good thing to search for information first. I got the same email too. Thanks for the information here..
March 29, 2012 @ 9:10 pm
I also received an e-mail stating that I won a land Rover and 490K but i ask myself the same question how can I won so much money without competition entry so this is realy a scam.
Republic of South Africa
March 28, 2012 @ 7:56 pm
Yeah, same here folks, got an eamil saying I have won 490K and a Land Rover Sports (with an S). Obivious scam. Lots of IP stuff and info in Zurich but it looks like the company itself is based in China. It sure would be nice if this many folks could be driving around in Rovers with 490K in their glovebox. Like my dad always said,
“It’s not the stupid crooks you have to watch out for, it’s the smart ones, like in Goverment, that are the problem.”
March 27, 2012 @ 7:50 pm
This is not a comment. I just received the following SCAM email and believe it is false one.
The G-20 Group in relationship with HSBC London has concluded that
our working partner (Money Gram Malaysia) has helped us to send your
first installmental payment of US$5,000 as instructed by the Group of
Twenty (G-20) in conjuction with the Malaysia government and will keep
sending you $5000 twice a week until the full payment of (US$820,000)
is completed.
To track your funds, You are to forward your name to our money gram agent
(Mr Ron Edwards) via email:
Best Regards,
Mrs Patricia Lee
Centro de Matematica –
Facultad de Ciencias –
Universidad de la Republica –
March 25, 2012 @ 7:36 pm
Received the exact same email as the OP today.
It was obviously a scam but the icing on the cake for me was this link:
Because it was not from the original site ( i took a look on . It gave me a name (I assumed the contact details were false so i looked into it a little more)
person: Theo Hajipavlou
address: Com-Cen Pty Ltd
address: 6/87 Reserve Road
address: Artarmon
address: NSW 2064
country: AU
phone: +61 2 436 1889
phone: +61 2 9906 4620
There were 2 entries of this person that I could find and both were linked to Staines, Middlesex, TW** for 2003 and 2004-6.
Most of the information from the website and whois query etc dont match/ is fake so DO NOT give them your details, unless MR Harold Buckler can give any conclusive proof.
March 25, 2012 @ 4:45 am
LOL me was surprised!!! me cat believe it!!!
March 24, 2012 @ 8:17 pm
Hello Fellow fellow Scammed Friends
I just got this email today lol! I had to look knew it was a scam, but still had to check.
March 24, 2012 @ 8:03 am
I was receive same message.Login in site and I’m second winner hier between 6 others.Mr Lary or somebody else inform he did deposit and soon I receive instructions how I can receive this deposit.I’m UK resident and for me needed send money abroad.But in confirmation he tould you can receive in your country,but when I registry I put in UK adress not other country.This mean he send this messages without reedem originald,just using email adress for sendings.I think about this need report in some organizations who responsibl about this scammers
March 24, 2012 @ 2:01 am
Dear E-mail User,
This is to inform you that your email address with MICROS ID BXT-GB02-LH5X-YF83-YG emerge our second place winner of $490,000 plus a brand new Range Rover
SUV from the Zhejiang BSB™ new year promotion.
Please confirm your status by logging to our site below.
Website :
Username : p35w
Password : kn6d
Ms. Norma Gomez.
European Zonal Cordinator©
This is the e-mail that I received in my inbox today. Quite naturally, I, too, knew it was a fake. There is no way on God’s green earth that a small company with a microsoft installation code inform you that you are a winner of a prize that is worth &80,000.00 plus another whopping $490,000.00 and they are not affiliated with Microsoft in any way. Give me a break. God help the man that made the first comment. He should posts pics with his big pot of winnings and his brand new Range Rover. Oh, I guess I’ll hold my breathe because that’s not going to happen. LOL!
March 22, 2012 @ 5:48 pm
I`m Gherasim Iulian from Romania and I was scamed by this organization but not organization scamed me , it was Royal Bank Plc. In first phase I was need to pay 698$ setup fee account. Now , After I was Payed 698$ they request to me to pay another fee , transfer fee which is 4850$ . I was scamed .now , what I am supposed to do by a legally way to make them pay or something else but to take money back from them?Thank you
March 21, 2012 @ 2:37 pm
This company must be booming, as I won $490k + a Range Rover, too. How can a company that produces small electronics afford to give so much away? … and I never entered a contest sponsored by them!!!
I always look for misspelling and poorly constructed sentences as clues for scam operations. BSB Electrical Manufacturing website is full of them, beginning w/ the company header that it is ‘Prefessional’.
March 19, 2012 @ 4:22 am
How do you get these addresses blocked from your email?
March 19, 2012 @ 3:14 am
thanks for the info! to mess with them can i send them fake info and an obscene picture as my “ID”? lol
March 17, 2012 @ 7:57 pm
sorry i dont now wthat to rite in here i dont onderstan do u please tell mi wthat
March 17, 2012 @ 8:32 am
This is not a fraud. I just confirmed from relevant sources. Please always ensure you confirm your information before attempting to damage the reputation of a company.
March 17, 2012 @ 10:44 am
Interesting comment. I should be very rich then as I’ve (apparently) won 5 times over the last two days with different email addresses.