Scam Loan Offer

I’m rapidly coming to the conclusion that the scam loan lenders are the thickest scammers on the internet.  I’m losing count of how many of them are stupid enough to leave their own scams as comments.  This is the latest and as always I’ve promoted it to a post of its own.

“Mr Braxton Leo” has no intention of lending you any money – all he wants to do is take money from you by charging you fees.

Good day,
Looking for a business loan, personal loan, loans, car
Loans, student loans, debt consolidation loans, unsecured loans, venture
Capital, etc. … or you were denied a loan from a bank or financial
Institution for one or more reasons? Are you in the right place for
Your loan solutions!
I am a private lender, I give out loans to companies and individuals to
low and affordable interest rate of 3%. Interest. Contact us with this e-mail address
Mr.Braxton Leo