Travel order confirmation 0300202959
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Dear Customer,
Thank you for your travel order.
Please find attached your booking confirmation which you should take with you on your trip. Please note we no longer send tickets for overseas travel bookings.
Now you have booked your trip why not let The Club help you make the most of your stay?
Did you know The Club has a wide selection of travel advice on the website as well as directions to all our overseas sites?
Want some inspiration on more sites across Europe? Take a look at our Caravan Europe Guides.
If you’ve not already taken out holiday insurance why not let The Club give you a Red Pennant quote online .
Yours sincerely
The Caravan Club
This email is sent from the offices of The Caravan Club, a company limited by guarantee (Company Number: 00646027). The registered office is East Grinstead House, London Road, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 1UA.
The Caravan Club Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA registration number is 311890
This email is sent from the offices of The Caravan Club Limited, a company limited by guarantee (Registered in England No 00646027). The registered office and correspondence address is East Grinstead House, London Road, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 1UA.
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The Caravan Club is authorised and regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority. Financial Services Register No. 311890
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