Have you noticed how many scammers claim to be bent lawyers? Doesn’t give you a lot of faith, does it? This scammer tells me the old, old, old (yaaaawwwn) story – he had a rich client – who died – after losing his/her entire family in a disaster – leaving millions of dollars that his attorney/barrister/accountant has access to if only you (or me, or some other sucker) will help him.
If you make the mistake of replying, you will find a scammer who starts taking money from you by demanding fees. Delete the email and don’t reply.
of mine died as the result of heart-related conditionin March 12th 2008.His heart condition was due to the death of all the members of his family in the tsunami disaster on the 26th December 2004 in Sumatra Indonesiahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_Indian_Ocean_earthquake.
I have contacted you to assist in distributing the money left behind by my client before it is confiscated or declared unserviceable by the bank where this deposit valued at Nineteen million dollars(US$19million dollars)is lodged.This bank has issued me a notice to contact the next of kin,or the account will be confiscated.
I will like you to acknowledge the receipt of this e-mail as soon as possible via my private EMAIL-:am.chambers@albawaba.com
Best Regards,
Adams Mao
Attorney at Law
This communication links contained herein,is for the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain information that is confidential or legally protected.