We have a mystery shopping assignment.
This was sent to me by a reader – who tells me it comes with an attachment that her malware filter will not let her open.
I hope you can see that this is not a genuine “mystery shopping” job. For a start, the email address that this was sent from is apparently unrelated to the email address you are told to reply to.
Delete the email, don’t reply and don’t open the attachment which probably contains some kind of malware designed to help itself to your precious passwords.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 1:56 PM
“name and email removed for privacy”
Message contains attachments
We have a mystery shopping assignment.
Date:12TH MAY,2009
“We have a mystery shopping assignment in your area and we would like you to participate”
Secret Shopper(R) is accepting applications for qualified individuals to become mystery shoppers. It’s fun and rewarding, and you choose when and where you want to shop. You are never obligated to accept an assignment.
There is no charge to become a shopper and you do not need previous
experience. After you sign up, you will have access to training materials via e-mail, fax or postal mail.
Secret Shopper(R) is the premier mystery shopping company, serving clients across America with over 500,000 shoppers available and ready to help businesses better serve their customers. Continual investment in the latest internet and communication technologies coupled with over 16 years of know-how means working with Secret Shopper(R) is a satisfying and rewarding experience.
Secret shopping as seen on ABC NEWS, NBC NEWS, L.A.TIMES.
Stores and organizations such as The Gap, Walmart, Pizza Hut, and Bank. One amongst many others pay for Secret Shoppers to shop in their establishments and report their experiences. On top of being paid for shopping you are also allowed to keep purchases for free. Secret Shopper(R) NEVER charge fees to the shopper. Training, tips for improvement, and shopping opportunities are provided free to registered shoppers. Mystery shoppers are either paid a pre-arranged fee for a particular shop, a reimbursement for a purchase or a combination of both.
You will be required to interact with the shop clerk.
You may conduct the shop alone or as a couple.
The assignment will pay $200.00/ Assignment
Kindly Fill Out the application form below and we will get back to you
shortly with the assignment to this email (frankmysteryshopagent77@gmail.com):
First Name:
Last Name:
Street Address:
City, State, Zip Code:
Cell Phone Number:
Home Phone Number:
Days/Hours Available
Monday ………………………………………
Tuesday ………………………………………
Wednesday ………………………………………
Thursday ………………………………………
Friday ………………………………………
Saturday ………………………………………
Sunday ………………………………………
Hours Available: from _______ to ______
We await your urgent response.
Thank you for your help.
We look forward to working with you.
Frank James
Secret Shopper(R)
June 9, 2009 @ 7:39 am
The email adress in the mail with subject “We have a mystery shopping assignment” is mine. I didnt sent this email. I have nothing related with this email. Becouse of this email i cant use my mailbox as i am having tens of thousands email every day since 12th may. I m really sorry to whom who got this email.
June 1, 2009 @ 2:31 pm
Here is the first response I received:
Good day,
This is to inform you met our criteria laid out for this Mystery
Shopper/Survey Agent/ Evaluator opening and thus you have been
Welcome Aboard.
When Great America Inc. notifies you of
an assignment either by e-mail or telephone you may accept or decline.
Acceptance of an assignment:
* Creates an inferred contract between you as the independent
contractor and Great America Inc. .
* Means you will perform the assignment in compliance with the
criteria stated in the Shopper Directions, Notifications, Scheduler
Updates and the Terms of this Agreement.
* Means that if conflicts arise such that you are unable to
fulfill an assignment you must notify the Great America Inc. scheduler 24 hours in advance by e-mail before the funds to carry
out the survey is sent to you. Not doing so jeopardizes your status
with us.
You will be evaluating WESTERN UNION SERVICES and MACY’S STORE in your Neighborhood
Please remember that you are to act Cool, Calm and Confident through
out the period in which you will be carrying out the survey. In order
not to arouse any suspicion we will furnish you with transfer details
which you will send Funds to via Western Union. Also you will be shopping
at Macy’s stores close by. After which you will write a report and
send back to us via e-mail using the following pointers:
1) How long it took you to get services.
2) Ambiance/Outlook of the Shop/Outlet
3) Smartness of the attendant
4) Customer service professionalism
5) Reaction of personnel under pressure
6) Information that you think would be helpful.
7) Your comments and impressions.
Payments will be mailed out to you which you will cash and expend in
carrying out all that will be required of you including your
All Other Instructions will be sent out to you as soon as Evaluation begins.
Kindly mail us back with Locations of Western Union ( You can get
addresses of locations near you, via their website,www.westernunion.com)and Macy’s Stores Near you for our own review and we later
mail you back if they are the stores you are going to evaluate.
Please reply this e-mail and ask questions on instructions not understood.
Hiring Manager.
Mark ScC.
Great America Inc.
And here is the second one:
Good day,
Top of the days to you. Your funds for the
evaluation survey would be mailed out to you after you have confirmed
this mail that it should be mailed out to you. Thereafter we will be
expecting an Incisive and detailed reports from you via email using
the pointers given as guidelines for your evaluation reports for both
Macy’s and Wstern Union evaluations.
You are to include the Western Union reference code and Macy’s
receipt (TC#) number in your reports as it is required for Company
feedback purposes on service delivery. You will have $100 deducted for
shopping at Macy’s and also you will be evaluating Western Union
transactions above the $1000 mark hence you are to send the remainder at the
location given.
Below you will find your expenditures breakdown:-
Money to be received ….$1900
Salary ……………..$150
Macy’s…………….$100 (item bought will be kept by you)
Western Union……………$ the Balance
Transfer costs……….$ Deducted from the Balance
Macy’s stores and Wstern Union outlet where you would have
evaluation surveys completed would be sent to you as soon as your
funds have been mailed out to you.
We expect to read from you soonest so as to continue with mailing out
your funds.
Please note if you have any question regarding the expenditure guild line kindly get back to us soonest.
Hiring Manager.
Mark ScC..
Great America Inc
I have been in contact with Great America, Inc. and they are aware some one is using their name this way.
May 18, 2009 @ 9:20 pm
frankmysteryshopagent77@gmail.com has changed his email to frankmysteryshopagent4005@gmail.com be aware he is a total scam artist he scammed. Do not open any emails from this freak he will send you a check for $3500 and ask you to go to the nearest Western Union and send him back $3200. i found this out the hard way.