Wrong transaction from your credit card in St. Gregory Luxury & Suites

I’ve never heard of the “St Gregory Luxury & Suites” and I don’t suppose you have either.  Don’t open the attached zip file.  I have no idea what it is, but I’m sure it isn’t good news.

This is just a scam – from someone who wants to infect your computer with something horrible and/or is after your credit card details.  Delete this email.

Dear Client!

Transaction: Credit Card 972447_gjC
On July 26th, 2011 Hotel made wrong transaction writing-down from your
credit card for an overall amount of $1726.
For noncompliance of the service contract this Hotel was divested
accreditation in Moverick Company.
For the return of funds please contact your bank and fill information
in the attached form.
In the attachment you will find expense sheet with the sum of wrong
transaction writing-down.
Company just mediates and bears no responsibility for any money
transactions made by Hotel.
Thank you for understanding. We trust you can solve this unpleasant

Alicia Michelin,
Manager of Reception Desk & Reservation Departament