your attention is needed

Wednesday, March 4, 2009 5:42 AM
“El Rufai” <>
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Dear sir,

Pardon me for using this medium to contact you. I am at
cross road and do not have any other choice. My name is
Mallam El Rufai, former FCT minister in Nigeria. I am
presently refuging here in London. I need your help to
urgently relocate my funds in Swiss/Other banks to your
custody because they are my last hope due to the problems
i have encountered with the present government that lead
to the confiscation of all my properties including
freezing all my accounts in Nigeria. I have wife and
children and cannot just watch them suffer and die of

May Allah bless you as you take your positive prompt steps
to assist me achieve this. You will never regret helping
me. I am ready to part with you any precenage of the
deposits that is due for your kind assistance.

Best regards.

El Rufai.
Excuse me? What is “refuging”? And this supposedly filthy rich dude is looking for complete and total strangers to attend to his finances (which we all know are non-existent)? Two plus two just don’t seem to add up! Delete this because it’s s-p-a-m!!!