Alert: YOUR NAME We have NOT received your payment
There is no such thing as “search engine registration”. This is a relic from the days when the internet was new and you did have to submit your domain name in order for the search engines to find you.
Life has moved on just a little (!!) and Google, Bing and other search engines regularly trawl the web to find and index new sites, pages and content.
Failure to pay this scammer will not “it difficult for your customers to locate you on the web.” Paying this scammer WILL mean you are sending money to a thief who has no intention of doing anything.
Interesting that this scammer seems to be operating in a time warp. S/he starts by telling me that I must “Reply Before January 7, 2019” but finishes by telling me that this notice “will be terminated on January 4, 2018” Woops – back to scam school.
Just ignore these notices, they mean nothing and are just a way for scammers to steal your money.
Attention: Important, DOMAIN SERVICE Domain Name: YOURDOMAIN.COMCall: 1-518-684-5177 ATT: Domain Owner YOUR NAMW ADMINISTRATIVE CONTACT YOUR ADDRESS AND DETAILS Requested Reply Before January 7, 2019 PART I: REVIEW SOLICITATION Attn: Domain Owner YOUR NAME As a courtesy to domain name holders, we are sending you this notification for your business Domain name search engine registration. This letter is to inform you that it’s time to send in your registration and save. Failure to complete your Domain name search engine registration by the expiration date may result in cancellation of this proposal making it difficult for your customers to locate you on the web. Privatization allows the consumer a choice when registering. Search engine subscription includes domain name search engine submission. You are under no obligation to pay the amounts stated below unless you accept this proposal. Do not discard, this notice is not an invoice it is a courtesy reminder to register your domain name search engine registration so your customers can locate you on the web. This Notice for: YOURDOMAIN.COM will be terminated on January 4, 2018 Act today! [ ] 1 year 01/07/2019 – 01/07/2020 $75.00 [ ] 2 year 01/07/2019 – 01/07/2021 $119.00 [ ] 5 year 01/07/2019 – 01/07/2024 $199.00 [ ] 10 year -Most Recommended- 01/07/2019 – 01/04/2029 $295.00 [ ] Lifetime (NEW!) Limited time proposal – Great value! Lifetime $499.00 Payment by Credit Card or Check Call our New York main office: (518)684-5177