Dear Lucky Winner, Vision 20082008
I must have the hardest working email address on the planet. Everyday it wins me at least one lottery or draw. Do you think I should give it some kind of award? Or maybe I should allow it to retire in peace to a computer on a sunny beach surrounded by lots of gorgeous girl email addresses?
What’s it won now? €550k, that’s what. These scammers want all my details, including a copy of my “identity”. I feel a case of identity theft coming on.
Just delete the email and DON’T send them any personal documents or identity confirmation. They are scammers. There was no draw and you haven’t won anything.
Dear Lucky Winner,
We are happy to inform you that your email address have emerged winner
of ?550,000 Euros in ONCE´s Lottery Games PROMOTION AWARD PROGRAM 2008.
The online cyber draws was conducted from an exclusive list of 500,000
email addresses of individuals and corporate bodies picked by an
advanced automated random computer selection from the web. Your email
address is attached to Ref No: MAL/WIN/116/00/70/CY & Batch No:
RTY/437/432/606/V5; Serial No: 46434; and PROMOTION DATE: 29th
Bear in mind that prizes will strictly be remitted to winners that
officially file in for their claim within the given time frame. To
begin your claim, you are to forward this message to your accredited claim
agent including your full names , telephone numbers,a photo copies of
your identity and fax.
Contact Person: Mr. FRANK SANCHO ( foreign operationmanager)
Tel: + 34-608-029-852
Fax: + 34-91-791-91-72
Your prize award has been insured with your email address and will be
transferred to you upon meeting the requirement
of the gaming board authority which includes your statutory
Best Regards,
Mrs. Patricia Douet (Lottery co-ordinator).
Note: All Won Prize must Be claimed/Cleared not later than 15th of
JANUARY 2009.After this date, all other winnings will considered as
UNCLAIMED and returned to ministerio de Economia Y Hacienda