Banner on your website
DO NOT go to this website. It’s an empty site, apart from a page that wants to run a Java application your computer. None of the menu links work. I have no idea what the application is – I didn’t run it.
NO-ONE is going to offer you $950 a month to run a banner ad on a random website. Notice that “Eva Goldberg” doesn’t even know which site she is asking you to put the banner on – she tells you to suggest the site.
The domain name was registered 4 weeks ago, on the 16th October.
If you do accidentally run the java program, immediately download and scan your computer with malwarebytes and superantispyware. I have no idea if they will undo the damage.
My name is Eva Goldberg, owner of the company JPP Consulting and I’m interested to place a banner on your website.
You can see the banners (design ans sizes) at
My budget is US $450-$950/month, depending on the banner size you choose.
If you are interested please send me the url you propose and the price for 6 months or 1 year.
Thank you,