I have a reader who is becoming an addict. I might have to recommend a stay in rehab – but I couldn’t resist this offering, complete with photographic “evidence”.
Poor Mrs Boliah. She’s dying you see – and she’s even sent a photo of herself prostrate in bed surrounded by monitors and nurses. Not to worry though, she’s well enough to leap out of bed at a moment’s notice and read her emails, just in case you might be willing to help her shift the millions of dollars that her late husband left. Her husband was an oil rich sheik, but he was bumped off by his wicked step brother. “Oh no he wasn’t”…… “Oh yes he was” ……… “Oh no he wasn’t” …………..
(Sorry, I’ve just been watching a DVD of our village pantomime.)
I’m sure you’ve guessed by now that this is all a scam. “Mrs Boliah” isn’t dying – she’s alive and well and hoping you will fall for her advance fee fraud.
Just delete the email and don’t reply.
If you’re sick of spam or prefer to get your own back on the scammers, install Spam Bully. Highly effective spam filter for Outlook, Windows Mail and Outlook which includes a “get back at the scammers” feature.
Dear Beloved ,
Please read this message very carefully because it is with tears that I am writing this mail to you from a hospital bed far away from my home where I have no mother, father, sister, Brother or any one to call my relative. I am in the midst of strangers with a different language that I dont understand, imaging how painful it is to be diagnosed with Cancer, but before I go into that First let me introduce myself to you.
I am Mrs. AQUILA Ahmed Hassanal Bolkiah, a widow to Late Sheik Ahmed Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei Darussalam, I am 38years old and I have a son of 15years of age who is at the moment in a Country called Benin Republic and I am suffering from cancer of the lungs which I will soon undergo the operation, I want to also let you know that I am writing you this mail from a private hospital here where I am taking my part-time treatments. what will you do if your doctor come up and tell you that you have only few weeks to live? you can imagine the kind of pains I am going through.
My Husband is the first Son to the last wife of King Haji Omar Ali Saifuddien Sadul Khairi Waddien, the former Prime Minister of Brunei Darussalam, the tiny Oil-Rich Country on the Island in South-Eastern Asia, let me save your time by not amplifying my extended Royal Family History which has already been disseminated by the international media during the controversial dispute that erupted between my Husband and his Step-Brother, the Sultan of Brunei H.M.Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah who is the present King/Prime minister of Brunei.
As you may know from the international media, the Sultan of Brunei accused my Husband who is his Step-Brother for financial miss-management and embezzlement of US$14.8 billion dollars and this was as a result of the Asian Financial crisis that made my Husband’s company Amedeo Development Company that was inherited by my husband and the government owned Brunei investment Agency to be declared bankrupt during his tenure in the office.
However my Husband was kept under house arrest by his own step brother, our bank accounts and private properties including a Crude Oil Export Refinery were later confiscated by the Sultan and to worsen the whole thing, he has to assassinate my beloved husband and I was placed under house arrest by the Sultan so that I will not tell the international community what has happened and that is where I developed this cancer of the lungs which is killing me slowly now but I still believe that it is the will of God that life is treating me this way. To avoid further prosecution and sufferings from the Sultan and his security operatives since I have lost my Husband and I have my only child to keep me happy, I decided to leave my country Brunei to Benin Republic in West Africa for my safety after I was released.
I left with nothing but the document my late Husband used in depositing the sum of ( US $10.5 Million Dollars) secretly in a private Security company but he did not declare the actual content of the deposit to the company, he only made them to understand that the deposit contains is Family Valuables this he did for security reasons.
I had a plan to retrieve this deposit of fund myself once I leave the country but unfortunately for me this my illness has become worst and I have been placed at the hospital for medical attention permanently.I am planning to fly abroad for a good medication and a perfect surgical operation because according to what the doctors told me that I may not live for more than a month without this operation, I am so scared about this because the Doctors has made me to understand that I have only 20% chance to survive this surgery and for that reason, I want to make and build a strong future for my only son before undergoing this surgery so that in case if I die on the process of this surgery, my son will be taken care of by you.
The reason why I am contacting you is for you to retrieve this deposit that contains the sum of (US$ 10.5 Million) and use some part (10% )of it to better the lives of the less privileged people worldwide,(25% );for your efforts/ assistant and invest the rest of 65% in a lucrative business in your country on behalf of my son, no one can tell what will happen during the surgery operation so in case if anything happens to me during this operation, my son will have someone to take care of him and a business/funds to inherit for a good future tomorrow. below I enclosed to you my current.
Photogragh by my bed side
please get back to me very fast so that I can tell you what to do because my days now is being numbered, you can aswell call this below number if you wish to speak with me the phone is with my son Azizi, he will pass it to me: Tel. +229 93-410-932.
May the peace of God be with you