What a load of old twaddle. Which “database” are you about to be removed from? Which “Support desk” sent this email?
Don’t know? Neither does the person who sent this, who is just hoping you will click on the link and give them your email address and password. Then they will log in and email all your contacts.
If you accidentally give your password to these scammers – log-in to your email account and change the password immediately.
This is a generated Email from Database to inform all user that verification is taking place to terminate all Reported/Spam and inactive Account from our Database. If your account is very much Active and to Avoid De-Activation from our Database Please Click our VERIFICATION-PAGE and fill out the Verification form correctly to avoid termination of your Account from our database.
Take Note: If You Refuse to update your account after 24hrs of receipt of the notification of this update, your account will be excluded permanently from our Database we will not be responsible for the loss of your account. As always, your privacy and security are of utmost importance to us. We apologize if you have experienced any difficulties due to this situation.