This scam was submitted by a reader
Hello Dear friend ,
I have paid the delivery fees for your cheque and all the necessary
arrangement has made WITH ELITE COURIER COMPANY HERE and manager of ecobank
told me that the cheque will expire before getting to you. So I told him to
cash the S$2.5MILLION and deposited the cash with Elite Courier Company.
Take note that the only money you will send to them is the security fee $199
usd of your consignment Box so contact them immediately to avoid increasing
the security fee.
Now contact the Elite Courier Company with this information below
CONTACT PERSON; Rev. Dr. Livinus Ogbonna
Email ;( )
Telephone; +229-932 034 22.
Send your Name, Address, Telephone and copy of picture to them , and
remember that the courier company don’t know that the box contains money
inside because I register the box with them as an box of Africa cloths on
your behalf, so don’t allow anybody to know that the box contents money
inside until you have receive it to your door step ok.
please hurry up to see that you contact the company and send your full
information to them with the $199usd which is needed for they company
security keeping fee of the box, hope to hear from you as soon as you have
contacted the company so that they will get the box deliver to you house
address this week.
.Best regards
Dr. Johnson Goodluck (ESQ)