Greetings to you

Tuesday, March 3, 2009 12:36 PM
“Francis Kwale”
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Greetings to you,

It is my pleasure to contact you for a business venture which I hope you
will be able to assist out.Actually I am the protection clerk of the
Liberia refugee camp here in Bujumbura,near Accra,Ghana.

I have been approached by young lucky Sanco and his sick mother to assist
them look for a reliable receiver to receive their family box which was
sent to United State of America 2 weeks ago, the diplomat who is suppose
to deliver the box to their family partner in United State of America,on
getting there it was discover that the partner was dead. His lawyer has
given us the right to look for a new person to receive the box from the
diplomat in United State of America.

If you can assist the family pick up this box from the diplomat in United
State of America,then reply to me immediately,as the family is very
worried that they might lost $10 million usd which is in the box.The
family says you will be given 10% if you can assist them receive it in
United State of America.You will also help them to buy a house and invest
in your country for a percentage fee.

Reply back with the following details below:

1) Full Names
2) Contact Address
3) Contact phone numbers

I will be waiting for your prompt response.

Mr Francis Kwale.
There is no “$10 million usd in the box.” All that’s in “their box” is spam, so be safe and delete.