Harry Pike – Rental Scammer
This scam warning was posted on a Facebook group that I belong to. I have the poster’s permission to reproduce it here.
Gumtree is a hotbed for scammers. Anyone can post and anyone can answer. Do some serious research before parting with your money for anything that you haven’t seen in person.
If anyone sends you photos of a property, holiday home, goods do a Google image search to see if you can find the originals.
It’s an easy thing to do……
a) Go to https://images.google.com
b) upload the image you have been sent.
c) look through the results and see if you can find the original of that image. Then follow the links if the image has been found.
d) Ask yourself if the website(s) you are taken to belong to the person who has contacted you. Take the precaution of using any contact details on the website and try to speak to the person to see if they sound genuine. (This particularly applies to holiday villa scams and entire websites full of fake villa rentals. If it sounds too good to be true, you know what to do.)
Just to warn others that I placed an ad on Gumtree on Saturday for Property/Land wanted to rent in Lewis/Harris. I was contacted by text by a person called “Harry Pike” who was offering his South Galson home for rent. He sounded genuine and even sent me pictures of the house in question and details of it. My partner and I were relieved and thankful as we are desperate to live on the Island, having given notice on our rented house and having sold most of our belongings to fund the move.
The man suggested sending the keys to us upon receipt of an initial deposit of £300, which I agreed I would transfer on Tuesday. He pushed for it to be done yesterday or today and that’s when alarm bells began to ring with me.
I asked him for proof of his identity and ownership of the property and he initially agreed then went quiet.
I have since googled him and found out that this “Harry Pike” is a serial scammer who has made it his business to scam unsuspecting people out of anything up to £300 a time.
September 7, 2019 @ 11:31 pm
It’s not rocket science.. Call Natwest & email them all of these comments, then arrange a “chargeback” via your bank to get your money back.. simples!
Emma Treacy
June 6, 2019 @ 11:09 am
He almost got me the prick!! Be aware!!!
Harry Pike, account number 06752055 Sort Code 040026
Offered to take whatever rent I can do, and would send the keys in the post once I pay a deposit. How can he be taken down?
June 3, 2019 @ 1:18 pm
iSight in middle of dealing with this tube
As I read these comments .
Offering me an engine , pay half now then full amount when I got and test engine ,, very polite , then too pushy for payment ,
Total scumbag
Says he lives in Kent
April 16, 2019 @ 6:14 pm
Very nearly had me today, fortunately I googled what he was supposedly selling only to find he had used stock photos from google! Very very nearly lost £250! Beware people, this scumbag is still about
Alison Pilsworth
April 15, 2019 @ 1:00 pm
Thank you for all your comments about Harry Pike. He’s just contacted me via Gumtree about a garage for rent. I was able to set him straight once I had read your comments!!
December 8, 2018 @ 11:16 am
I think I have been ripped off by the same person I have a mobile number and bank account, possibly Facebook accounts too. Pm me for details
December 1, 2018 @ 2:23 pm
Yes sadly he has just taken me for £110.00 and then came back for a second bite at the cherry by saying one of his friends had tickets to sell if I wanted more. Can’t believe I was so easily swindled. He must be stopped. It is heneios behaviour.
Chris Kavanagh
October 31, 2018 @ 7:10 am
Just had person with same name offer me a garage in response to a gumtree ad I placed. Asks for money up front to release address and key. Gave me account 30-19-22, 21613060, m pike name. Says he’s in Exmouth area. Does this sound the same person?
November 16, 2018 @ 6:30 pm
This Happened to my partner! He was looking for a garage and this Harry pike had one, apparently, asked for £100 and he would post the key. Stayed in touch a few days then blocked my partner. His son and daughter are in on it too!! I’ve googled the life out of him and have a wealth of information and a possible address!
Gillian Croset
December 6, 2018 @ 4:15 pm
Same happened to me yesterday, luckily I’ve not parted with any money, but he sounds very sincere and I was nearly sucked in. Using mb 07538510601 and Nat West Bank account.
August 20, 2018 @ 1:03 pm
I’ve been texting this gimp for 2 days helping him look for tickets. Just about to send him £50 before arrival and £170 after it arrives. I’ve literally sent 8 of my mates facebook pages to him who were looking for tickets to READING FESTIVAL.
ACC: 32438260
SORT CODE :309861
BEEN MESSAGING HIM FOR 2 DAYS JUST ABOUT TO PAY AND LUCKILY DID INTERNET SEARCH. He is on Facebook with pictures of kids and tattoos. Dark brown hair.
Angelene Rackett
July 12, 2018 @ 8:30 pm
I was just scammed out of £210 by this guy. I commented on a festival page that I was looking for tickets and he messaged me. Very friendly and plausible.
July 12, 2018 @ 5:05 am
This scumbag replied to an ad I put in Gumtree. Unfortunately he had £120 out of me. I want this piece of crap. He replied through Gumtree using the name kharney or khaney. Why are the police and Gumtree doing nothing ? If anybody can give me a description , address or anything to confront this little turd and give him what he’s owed. Please contact me on ( doublen1066@gmail.com ). This email was set up just to acquire info on said scumbag.
Anonymous Investigator
January 6, 2019 @ 11:04 pm
I am conversing with this twat at the moment over a rented garage – luckily I checked the forums – he uses Harry Pike that checked is in the urban dupictionary as a person no one wants to know but ironically I want to know this knob – he will be difficult to find but he will be be found eventually – as he uses alias and also transfer out bank accounts so the more info is passed around then hopefully he will be blocked he is using 07538510601 lately under graham Amestoy bank account 040026 account 27635974 this is based in South Africa he will be difficulit to block
January 9, 2019 @ 8:47 pm
ive just nearly been done by this guy!same name,phone number,bank details. just as well we googled the guy!
John Smith
May 30, 2018 @ 10:33 am
Every day more and more people scammed and police do nothing. WHY?????
Anonymous will find u
May 25, 2018 @ 12:40 am
Uses NatWest bank account located in Kent Uk
New telephone number active more than 1 month.
Uses fraudulent name on bank account
Location points Glasgow City
Agrees to either having something you need to eBay scamming
Please beware people becareful when it comes to money!