Like making money and giving to a well-deserved charity?
This is NOT a charity. It is an illegal pyramid scheme. Your “donation” is not being given to charity, it is being given back to other suckers who paid in – and that’s assuming that draws are ever held.
The “prizes” are funded by fellow members, the classic pyramid scheme.
Nowhere in all this ridiculous twaddle does it say that any money will actually be given to any charity. Nor does it state how much money the founder thinks they will be taking (clue – probably as much as possible).
Ignore this email and DO NOT pass it on to anyone else.
Club Pal Charities, the only Club that gives you cash back and the opportunity to grow! Our motto? Charity begins in the heart.
Do you like making money and giving to a well-dese rved charity? Then please, read on!Hello, and welcome to Pal Charities! Let’s s tart by introducing myself.
My name is David Pooley; I am a proud father of fo ur, an entrepreneur and an average Kiwi guy. If you’d like to find ou t a little bit more about me, you can find me on LinkedIn or Facebook.
So why, might you ask, why am I emailing you? Well , I have sold my businesses and I have explored a few options before landi ng on the idea of Pal Charities; something I truly believe in and will str ive to make it work. Though life has had its ups and downs, there comes a time in one’s life when you get the feeling that you should be giving something back.Club Pal Charities, the only people that gives you cash back and the opportunity to grow! Our motto? Charity begi ns in the heart.
Do you like making money and giving to a well-dese rved charity? Then please, read on!
So, onto Club Pal Charities. Who are we and what do we do?
Everyone needs a pal. Essentially, Club Pal Charit ies, we collect money and re-distributes it to well-deserved organisations . My favourites are charities that work against human trafficking or work in animal welfare and my goal is to save at least one soul per month ; every life matters! Club Pal Charities will take great care when choosin g which charity will receive your money. It does not have to be the bigges t or the greatest, it needs to be one that is doing the greater good, and Club Pal Charities love to help smaller charities get off the ground so th ey can start making a difference!So, how will I encourage you to give?
1. 1 decided it had to be fun! Giving to charity has a reputation for being on erous but Club Pal Charities want to build a community of members who dese rve to have fun whilst doing it!2. Other than the opportunity for you to nominate your own charity (we all have causes we feel passionate about), I thought of a way that you too can also benefit. Want to hear more?
What sets Pal Charities apart from the rest? It&r squo;s our big heart. We just love giving. Unlike most Charities where onl y 5% arrives at the final cause, at Pal Charities, we cash back all we can .
You have all heard of the phase ‘charity beg ins at home’, well, here at Pal Charities, you can donate to a chari ty and there is an interesting twist! If you need extra cash per month. Re ad onHere is how it works:
Your Donation is multiple of $10.00, $50.00 or maximum of $100.00
Send your donation to Pal Charities’ Skrill account pal@palcharitie
We ask that you please only donate no more than 3 times every 24 hours (we are sorry, this may change in the future. It is a ll relevant to the numbers and the physical time to process each donation) . However, at a later stage, anyone donating on a regular basis will be in vited to another level.
When we receive your donation, you will then be en tered into our weekly draw! 8 out of 10 people will get the donation value plus 10% deposited back in their Skrill account. The other 2 out of 10 wi ll get only 10%. That’s cash back of 80%. Yes, you read that correct ly! That’s 8 out of 10 chances of being in the draw and make 10% cas h back paid directly into your Skrill account. Note, the other 2 out 10 wi ll receive only 10%. (note as the number of donations increase so will the number of draws, it is expected that it will become daily)
As you can see, if you are lucky enough to be in t he draw, ten donations in a row you will make 100% on your money.
(Please note that we at Club Pal Charities reserve the right to reduce or increase this percentage at any time. There will b e a time when the donations are greater than needed, and so the cash back to our faithful donators will be increased. You first donation is you guar anteed life membership of Club Pal.
Good Luck!How do I get started?
Now that you’ve read about who we are and wh at we do, you’ll want to get started!
Firstly, you’ll need to open a Skrill accoun t. This is so you can send and receive money and so that you can spend or bank your winnings. Skrill is the preferred method of paying online and is used by many for swift, secure and easy payments. You can even transfer t he funds back to your linked bank account or debit card. Don’t worry, opening the account is free!To get started, here is the link to sign up to Skr ill
Then when you are ready, let’s have some fun ! Send your first donation by Skrill
Later when you are lucky to increase your luck loa n, at least two friends $50.00 and a copy of this letter and teach them ho w to be lucky.
Now you can sit back and know that your donation i s going to a good cause and by the end of the day or next draw, you may be in for a little surprise!If you have any questions or if you want to sugges t a charity that is doing good work with animal health or human traffickin g, then please feel free to email us at and write “Att Admin” in the sub ject title. And if you have any good news, or want to shout about your goo d fortune in the draw, then please email us and let us know, we’d lo ve to hear from you! Sorry this has to be in English.
Please note, by donating you are also agreeing to receive our monthly blog via email. We are currently working on our websit e and facebook, we are so excited for it to be finished! Our website is un der construction, here will spread our positive news and will keep you upd ated on who you are supporting. We also reserve the right to publish any g ood news from your emails on our website.
For a long term, successful Club, we need group of like-minded, motivated people, focused on helping others and helping them selves.Thank you so much for your time, I look forward to getting to know you, to making a difference together; to your life, saving souls, and having a little fun along the way!
Warm wishes,
Dave Pooley