Online Flight Ticket N 442381797802
DO NOT open the attachment to this scam. I expect it contains malware that will infect your computer. You haven’t booked a plane ticket and neither have I.
If you have booked a ticket, it might be sent as an attachment (I don’t know) but it certainly WON’T be sent as a .zip file.
Did you notice where this email, that allegedly comes from was actually sent from?
If you accidentally open the attachment and think you might have infected your computer, download and scan it with the free version of malwarebytes and/or superantispyware.
Thank you for using our service “Buy airplane ticket Online” on our website.
You account has been created:
Your login:
Your password: uxgmxgommu497105
Your credit card has been charged for $849.21
We would like to remind you that whenever you order tickets on our website you get a discount of 30%!
Attachment to this message is the purchase invoice and the airplane ticket.
To use your ticket, simply print it and you are set to take of the journey!
Kind regards,