Part-Time Employment Opportunity
Mr Alexandrovich doesn’t work for a jewelry company in Russia – or anywhere else. That website is a fake and this is the classic payment clerk scam. If you make the mistake of replying you will be sent a cheque. You will pay the cheque into your bank account and then forward the scammer the money that he asks for. Then you will find the original cheque was a fake and you will have no way of recovering the money that you sent to the scammer.
Ignore this email.
We are a company established in Russia in 1997 with our main job of manufacturing jewelry. We are looking for financial clerks in your country. An estimated income for a working week should be around 300-400 USD.
For more details visit our website by clicking on the following link:
Click here to view the application form
We hope to have you as our partner!
Dimitri Alexandrovich,
Financial Manager,
Tee Jewelry,
December 20, 2010 @ 1:40 pm
i too have been scammed. i was given the position of a payment clerk and i was sooo interested in the pay they had fake websites and everything…i have the check currently on my account and “the company” is here telling me to send forward the funds and worry about the check deposit afterwards…i have to go to my bank tomorrow as soon as possible to cancel the check from processing…i’m here freaking out soo bad…imagine if i had sent forward the money to “who-so-ever” and then the check bounces…i have to out smart these bastards when they email me and then block them asap…
T McCollum
June 1, 2010 @ 5:13 pm
Yes, but I am waiting to see if the money orders clear my bank before I send them a thing.
June 1, 2010 @ 6:41 pm
Do NOT send them any money, under any circumstances. Read the Scam Victims page of this site to see how these scams work.
T McCollum
May 29, 2010 @ 2:28 am
Well, I received money gram money orders from Tee Jewelry. Are they fake too?
May 29, 2010 @ 7:30 am
Have they asked you to send them money?