Part-Time Employment Opportunity

Mr Alexandrovich doesn’t work for a jewelry company in Russia – or anywhere else.  That website is a fake and this is the classic payment clerk scam.  If you make the mistake of replying you will be sent a cheque.  You will pay the cheque into your bank account and then forward the scammer the money that he asks for.  Then you will find the original cheque was a fake and you will have no way of recovering the money that  you sent to the scammer.

Ignore this email.


We are a company established in Russia in 1997 with our main job of manufacturing jewelry. We are looking for financial clerks in your country. An estimated income for a working week should be around 300-400 USD.

For more details visit our website by clicking on the following link:

Click here to view the application form

We hope to have you as our partner!

Dimitri Alexandrovich,
Financial Manager,
Tee Jewelry,