Part Time Job Offer.
This fake job offer has nothing to do with Costa Coffee and everything to do with a scammer. No company anywhere ever needs random people to collect payments for them. I can’t imagine that a large company such as Costa Coffee would have “difficulty in reaching” their clients.
If you make the mistake of replying you will probably find yourself being sent a fake cheque. You will be asked to pay it into your account and forward most of the money to the scammer. After which, your bank will find the original cheque was fake and you will be left out of pocket with no way of recovering the money.
9 Waterloo Road, London SE1 7LY,
United Kingdom.
Good day to you.
I am the Managing Director COSTA COFFEE EXPORTS; we are trading company that is into the export of coffee. We export Coffee for world trade. Due to the Increasing number of clients that we have in the U.S.A, Canada and Europe, we are having difficulty in reaching all of our clients; therefore we decided to employ representatives to help us get to our clients.
As our representative, you shall serve as a link between us and our clients and you will also be responsible for the collection of payments on our behalf. You shall have 10% commission for every transaction you carry out or payment that you collect on our behalf.
Note that the Company will not at any time demand any money from you, the company will handle all financial aspect of this transaction.
If you are interested, get back to me with the email below, indicating your interest, in order for us to start processing the required documents.
Very Sincerely,
Robert Philip.
Managing Director,
Alternative Email: